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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Yes, It Is Necessary to Make Time for YOU.

By: Anna McFillin

Even in the hectic whirlwind of college, it is important to put yourself first, despite what is happening around you.


Friends call, papers are due, there is work to be done, and in some cases, relationships to tend to. Life can get in the way of living sometimes, and when it does, we often put ourselves on the backburner. It is easier said than done, but with busy schedules it is even more necessary to make time to take care of yourself.


We, as young women, seem to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. We worry for those around us because we care, and sometimes another person’s burden becomes our own.

It is important to take time every single day to get to know yourself, how you are feeling, and what YOU need to do to better yourself, rather than better everyone else.


Self-care can come in the most basic forms. It doesn’t always mean you slap on a face mask, although that is lovely, but self-care is more about listening to what your body is telling you, and doing what you need to do to keep yourself at your best.

Some things you can do to better your self-care are:

  1. Make a schedule for your busy life. It is hard enough to remember everything you need to do and where you need to be, so put it down on paper or digitally. It is rewarding when you finish a task to cross it off your list. When you do this, schedule “Me Time.”

  2. Eat a balanced meal. Sometimes, food in college can seem scarce. However you access food, whether it be on campus, making your own, or ordering out, try getting in all the basic dietary needs in a meal. We are always on the go. It is important to have energy and protein.

  3. Call a loved one. When I am feeling down, I personally like to hear the voice of a family member or a best friend. You have a support system, don’t be afraid to use it.

  4. Taking a hot shower. A typical self-care tip, but studies prove a hot shower provides tremendous relief.

  5. Do something creative. Whether that is writing, coloring, listening to music, or even shopping. Do something outside of school and work to give your brain a rest.


Little self-care incorporations each day are beneficial in the long term. When things seem out of control, remember to think about you and what you need. There is no shame in taking time to better yourself, however that may be. You at your best is unstoppable, and you will bring a new energy to help the people and things in your life that need it.

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London-Calderon is a Senior at St. John's University and is EIC for the chapter. She spends her time writing, listening to music and working on several unfinished books. When she graduates she plans on going into the workforce and reporting for a publication. She is also an intern at Newsday Media.