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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

We’ve reached the part of the semester where midterms and essays have become unrelenting. As a remote student, I know that this semester can be unusually complicated by the increase in the amount of time we have to spend on our laptops, due to social distancing and remote classes. That’s why I’ve been trying to set aside time each day away from technology. Here are some ways to spend your time and relax a little, to help deal with the zoom fatigue of this semester.

Go On A Walk

One thing that always helps to clear my head after working on a stressful essay or after completing a long zoom call is to get outside and walk around my neighborhood. It helps me to get out and get some fresh air, while also physically distancing myself from my workspace. 

Read A Book

Another great way to help relax after a long day of zoom calls and studying is to escape into a book. Even just reading a chapter or two helps to unwind and loosen up after a long day of school. Make it fun by setting a goal for yourself to read a book or two each month!


One thing that I have found to be extremely fun to learn during the quarantine is learning how to cook. It’s a useful tool and allows you to take your focus off class stresses and apply them to a fun and educational activity. I know this is one of my favorite things on this list!


Now, I am by no means an artist, but I have found that sitting at my desk and doodling for ten or so minutes is a great way to take a break from technology and move back to pen and paper. 


This might not be the most productive activity on the list, but sometimes zoom fatigue gets to be a little too much and you just need a power nap. As a remote student going to classes in the central time zone, yet living in the pacific time zone, I have to get up EARLY for my classes, and sometimes a nap becomes a necessity.

Whatever you do to get away from technology during this crazy times of midterms and studying, I wish you luck!

Natalie Clark is a junior at Southern Methodist University, majoring in English and Political Science on the Pre-Law track. She is a firm believer in a good nap. In her spare time, she likes to read, play tennis, and hang with friends. Instagram: @natclark424
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