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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

 The lifting community for women is small. I would have never started going in the first place if I did not have my friends to come with me. I have been lifting for around three years and I remember how hard it was to start with the anxiety that can come with lifting at a campus gym. So, I created a list of tips and tricks that I wanted to share with anyone who is thinking about starting to lift weights.

  1. Do not compare yourself to others

If you do not get anything else out of this article, get this! You do not know how long people have been going to the gym, what they are training for or if they have experience or not. Comparing yourself to other people will do nothing but hurt yourself. Focus on yourself and never put anyone down. The lifting community for women is relatively small so we need positive energy!

  1. Find a group of friends to go with you

It can be hard to go to the gym alone. Find friends to go with you–you can keep each other motivated and push each other. Plus it is so fun to catch up between sets. 

  1. Be realistic in your scheduling 

Be realistic in how many days a week you can devote to the gym. It is not typically possible for people to work out six days a week with one rest day. You want to make sure you are not overextending yourself. For whatever reason you are lifting–self-care, strength, overall health–you want to make sure it is not something that adds more stress to your day! Once you find out how many days you can go, make a specific schedule that works best for you. 

  1. Set goals and set them often 

Setting continuous goals allows you to make the most progress when lifting. No matter your intended goal, make little goals to help achieve your larger mission. One way that I try to keep myself progressing is by focusing on a certain part of my workout and pushing myself in that aspect whether it be form, depth or weight.

  1. Get in the mood

This can be anything from music, friends, motivational podcasts or whatever gets you in the mood to workout. I believe being in the mood allows for a better workout. I push myself harder and am less concerned about the weight I am lifting when I have my gains playlist playing. 

  1. Use campus resources 

Saint Louis University, as well as many other universities, offer free gym memberships. These members also have access to a lot of classes that one can take. I personally love going to the yoga classes when I have time on my rest days. There are also HITT workouts, cycling, dance and pilates. 

Going to the gym for the first time can be scary, but if you go with your gym schedule and some friends (or alone) it can be a great way to relieve stress. Hopefully these tips make it easier for you to have the best workout!

Amreen is a Senior on the Pre-Law track with a major in Political Science, American Studies, and Economics. Amreen was born in Texas but calls Kansas her home. She loves to write about her life and her personal view of the world around her!