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How To Get Back On The Gym Grind

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

1. Don’t push yourself too hard the first day back!



2. Try eating the salad bar instead of the delicious New Hall grilled cheese.



3. Stretch before you work out.



4. Drink plenty of water.


5. Mix up with cardio and weight lifting!



6. Make sure you don’t do the same thing every day or you’ll get bored quickly. 


7. Go with people who will push you!

Logan is a senior English major with a Writing minor at Siena College. In her spare time, she writes for both Her Campus Siena and her own blog The Peculiar Porter. This spring she is heartbroken to graduate but knows eventually she'll have to enter the real world. She loves Mexican food, has a weird obsession with cacti and candles, and enjoys traveling to quirky places. You can follow her on twitter or Instagram (@thepeculiarporter) to get a glimpse into her life.