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Get With The Times: The Mental Game With Kevin Love

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

Kevin Love, a basketball player with the Cleveland Cavaliers, paired up with New York Times on Friday to talk about mental health, and the struggles he’s faced recently with his mental health. 

Love wrote an essay for The Player’s Tribune earlier this year about a panic attack he had suffered during a crucial game. Recently he has become a big advocate for mental health, especially in sports culture. 

What I found most inspiring about his most recent interview with Juliet Macur, a Sports of the Times columnist, is how comfortable he seemed in sharing his story and being really open about the struggles he’s faced.

Love opened up about his struggle with depression and anxiety, and how hard it was to talk to his teammates about it in fear they would think he was “weak.” This is such a difficult and common thought process so many other people have, especially when it comes to men. Recognizes you have a problem doesn’t make you weak. Anyone who dares to consider those suffering from depression and anxiety to be weak, clearly have never understood the mental struggle and emotional toll it can take on a person. And yet, everyday they still wake up and do their best to keep on living one day at a time. 

Like Love said, “Everybody is going through something.”

Throughout the live interview on Facebook, so many people left positive and heart warming comments. Some thanked him for opening up with his struggles. Others relayed similar stories of dealing with mental health and the stigma that comes with it. Many people reacted with hearts and likes to show their support for Kevin Love.

Here are some of the highlights:

If you would like to watch the interview in full click here.

Hi! My name is Kiah Conway and I'm a double major in Journalism and Creative Writing here at Seton Hall. I am one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus, as well as a Chapter Advisor for some HC Chapters. If it wasn't already obvious, I am really passionate about writing. I'm also a serious Netflix addict and book lover. In between binge watching Marvel movies and doing homework, I spend my time hardcore Pinteresting and writing short stories.