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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

We’re starting Spring here at U of S, which means the on-and-off snow blizzards may finally hit steady heat after a few weeks of rain showers. With a new season comes a new atmosphere for our bodies and our health. It’s time to reduce toxins and strengthen our immunuty after a few months of cold bouts. Here’s some of my favorite seasonal Spring foods to help you feel your best Spring self!


An anti-aging, antioxidant!


Protects your skin against UV light!


The most super superfood, provides insane electrolytes along with good fats needed to break down bad fats!


A wonderful detoxer and skin cleanser!


Excellent source of Vitamin C!


Anti-inflammatory and disease-preventing!


Vitamin A and Vitamin K, a liver nourisher and eye brightener! 


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Dania El-Ghazal

Scranton '18

My whole biography realistically can't fit here so