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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

Image courtesy of memes.com.

If there’s one New Year’s resolution everyone’s going to make, it’s probably to lose weight. Or to get fit, or eat healthy, or not drink soda, etc. Essentially the same goal is present: to get healthy.

But what about staying healthy?

The gym in January is packed but as the year goes on there’s less and less active folks.

I know. It’s easy to let your guard down during the holidays. With so much wine and food and bread, you’re not expected to make it out alive.


When it comes to having a slip-up, the worst thing you can do is beat yourself up about it. We all have those “f*ck it, I’m eating cheese fries” moments, and that’s quite all right. It’s how you handle yourself after you indulge that make-or-break moments in your progress.

Eating healthy is hard, let’s face it. Bread is the best thing ever, and cheese is heaven. So what’s a girl who’s trying to maintain a balanced diet to do?

Keep track of it!

Hold yourself accountable for the foods you consume. The more you pay attention, the fewer cravings you’ll have to binge. And if you do have a midnight craving, binge on fruits or veggies. It may sound crummy at first, but you’ll feel better about it in the long run.

Here are a few health-savy snacks that are easy to make:

  • Apples and almond butter
  • Bananas and almond butter
  • Cucumbers with sesame ginger dressing
  • Hearts of palm
  • Whole grain toast with avocado
  • Oatmeal

If you can get to the gym once or twice a week then you’ll be set. It’s good to keep in mind that 80 percent of weight loss is determined by what you eat and the other 20 percent is exercise. I try to keep it simple and do one full-body intense workout and then one cardio workout another day of the week. Since I’m not a total gym rat, eating right has been my substitute.

Remember that it’s good to have goals in mind, but don’t let those be your stopping point. When you reach your goal you don’t have to throw in the towel and smother yourself with Velveeta mac n’ cheese. Instead, you can make health a part of your daily functioning. More importantly, practice mindfulness every day. All of this is possible once you realize that you’re in control of your so called ‘inability to maintain control.’