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6 Reasons Why We Need Our Beauty Rest….

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

6 Why we need our beauty rest….

Ladies lets be honest we don’t all wake up flawless like Beyonce . We all know about the bags that we could have that unfortunately doesn’t come from shopping when we don’t sleep but there is so many other risk that we don’t think is affected when we are not well rested. So Here is 6 reasons why you should get your beauty rest.

  1. Better health- of course lets be realistic, sleep won’t make you super woman but it can help you from diseases; health diseases anyway. Studies have found links between not enough sleep with serious health problems, such as heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes, and obesity! some say these effects don’t take place or get serious after years others say in just four days yikes!
  1. Better sex life- Ladies no sleep can cause fatigue and low energy which equals no sex! According to a survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, up to 26% of people say that their sex lives suffer because they’re just to tired to have sex. In men their is actual evidence that shows impaired sleep can be associated with lower testosterone levels. And not getting enough sleep can affect your love life to in less direct ways also.
  1. Better memory- Always forgetting what you wore last friday and big plans missed because you merely just forgot? Sleep loss can be the cause of your problems. Studies have shown that while we sleep, our brains process and strengthen our memories from the day. And if you don’t get enough rest, those memories might not get stored correctly and can be lost. 
  1. Better mood- Getting a good night sleep won’t make you Mother Teresa but it will help you to not be that exhausted, cranky devil that everybody is scared of.  When you don’t get enough sleep you become very snappy! Studies show that when your overtired it can mess with your emotions, your more likely to snap on anyone, burst into tears, or just just start laughing hysterically uncontrollably. 
  1. Better weight control-Summers coming up and its about to be that time again to bring out that swim suit, getting enough sleep could help you maintain your weight on the other hand sleep loss goes with increased risk of weight gain. Why do you ask? when your overtired you won’t have that energy to exercise for a healthy period of time or better yet go at all. Another reason and we all have done it ladies is eating to help us stay up late just because were bored and need something to do. So all those calories burned on the stair stepper the other day waisted if you don’t add that beauty rest to the list.
  1. Better looking- Fashionista’s we all know about this one when you look good you feel good. When your tired in the morning some of us like to just throw on something and go just to get the day of with where if your well rested your more likely to make yourself a breakfast and spend more time on that make-up and hair. Also physically no sleep can add an extra two years to your face because of the bags it forms under yours eyes and it can cause wrinkles as well.

So Ladies overall take better care of yourself no more YOLO and i’ll sleep when I die talk. Run your errands  get some rest and remember no body every complained that sleeping beauty slept so much when she woke up.