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6 Morning Stretches for an Energized Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

Stretching should be a very important part of your day because it helps open all your muscles. This makes you stronger and more flexible. Wither you exercise or not, a good stretch in the day can do everyone some good. Here are 5 easy stretches anyone and everyone can do. Good Luck!


Upper Back Release

Standing with feet hip-distance apart, clasp hands and round upper back keeping arms straight and active.

Hold stretch for 2-3 deep breaths.





Side Stretch Standing with right hand on bed or wall, cross left leg in front of right leg, feet pointing forward.

Shift into the left hip and reach left arm up and over head, creating a long line from the left ankle to the left fingertips.  

Hold and take 2-3 deep inhales and exhales.  Repeat on right.



Seated Spinal Twist Sitting on a chair or edge of bed with legs together, lengthen spine rotate from the waist, placing one hand behind you and the other hand on your outer thigh for support.

For a deeper stretch for the neck, turn and look over your shoulder as.

Hold 2-3 deep breaths.  Repeat other side.


Standing Quad Stretch Holding a chair, wall or bed for support, stand with feet hip-distance apart. Soften left knee and reach for your right foot or ankle, bending the right knee to point straight down to the floor. 

Hold for 4-6 deep breaths.  Repeat other side. 



Standing Forward Bend Standing with feet hip-distance apart and knees slightly bent, hinge forward at the hips.  Allow your upper body to hang over your legs and clasp elbows. 

Hold for 2-3 deep breaths while you gently shake your head no and even more gently nod your head yes.   To come up, pull in abs and gently round up one vertebra at a time.







*All images were taken from Sparklepeople.com