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12 Ways to Actually Stick to Your New Years Health Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

It’s that time of year again, where we all make pretty promises to ourselves to either cut out the junk food or lose 10 pounds! The days leading up can almost be exciting as you get to embark on a new journey of bettering yourself. However a week or so later, or maybe even three days in, you begin to wonder why you even tried. The trouble can often stem from trying to take too much on at once, or maybe it is that getting back to school can throw you off because you don’t have as much time or money to spend on healthy food like you do while at home.

1. Drink water

Often when we think that we are hungry we are really thirsty. Before you think you are still hungry after lunch, try drinking a full glass of water, wait 10 minutes and think again.


2. Take the stairs

It’s easy and you would be surprised how much of a difference it can make! Plus Jennifer Aniston does it in Just Go With It as that is how Cary Grant stayed in shaped, so why wouldn’t you?!


3. Veggies Veggies Veggies

Not only are they relatively inexpensive, but they fill you up and you can have almost as many as you want!

4. Find a workout buddy

It is a lot harder to cheat out on a workout if you have someone who’s along there with you getting up early or running as well. Plus it makes for a good time to catch up.


5. Plan ahead with snacks

College class scheduling can be insane, so sometimes you have to grab a muffin quickly in between classes, but if you know you are going to have a crazy day, pack a bag of almonds and Craisins instead, or grab a piece of fruit to keep yourself on track in a tight stich.

6. Change up your workout

Boring is not only bad for your mind and keeping you motivated but for your body as well! Doing the same workouts over and over often conditions your body to them—which is great, but it also makes it harder for your body to be challenged. It is also important to work different muscles!


7. Focus on how you feel/ how your clothes fit!

One of the best tips I have ever received was to put my scale out of sight (which sounds crazy, I know right?), but once I had it away I haven’t gone back. Going by how you feel and how your clothes feel is a lot better for you and a much better indicator of your success.

8. Pinterest

You would be surprised how many different workouts and information can be found on Pinterest, and since most of it is batched together by various users you can find boards that are your style and keep all you need in one place! Plus there are recipes galore.

9. Don’t focus completely on calorie counting

This can be effective of keeping you on track and keeping yourself in a range. But also take into account the quality of the calories that you are putting in your body! Sure that bar may only have 100 calories, but if it will leave you hungry in an hour you aren’t really saving any calories, and in fact you may end up over-eating the next time.

10. Breakfast

Many factors lead us to skip the most important meal of the day; maybe you aren’t that hungry when you wake up or you just don’t have the time. But remember this is a lifestyle change, so it may require you to wake up a few minutes earlier so that you can get a quality breakfast in. This will not only help wake you up, but it will set you up for the rest of the day because you will be fuller and less likely to binge later in the day!

11. Don’t drink your calories and sugar

This goes for alcohol, juices and sodas alike. Why waste your calories and sweet treat for the day by drinking them away when you could have brownies or ice cream instead? Plus the water is much better for you.

12. Utilize your dining hall!

Don’t become overwhelmed with the buffet style and let the big spoons trick you into taking more than a real serving! Sometimes you have to get creative, but you often have all of the ingredients you would need to make something really yummy! Also make sure to take advantage of the fruit. I always fill up my backpack before I go so that I have fruit for the week, because what college student isn’t broke?!

Most important of all—remember it takes time! No matter what your goals may be, it won’t happen over night, and diets come and go, but transforming your lifestyle to something you can maintain will make you far happier and healthier in the end!


Photo credits: stock photos


I'm a Junior Strategic Communications major at Saint Bonaventure University, also known as the greatest place on earth. Hobbies include eating ridiculous amounts of food, watching Scandal and swimming. I'm probably wearing converse.
I'm a sophomore journalism and mass communication major at St. Bonaventure University.