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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

1. Talk a walk on campus or a lap on the track at the Athletic Center.  

2. Listen to your favorite song/album. 

3. Take a power nap.

4. Take a hot shower. 

5. Listen to an episode of a podcast. 

6. Watch an episode of your favorite TV show. 

7. Sit out in the sun. 

8. Stretch for 10 minutes. 

9. Paint your nails. 

10. Watch Vine compilations. 

11. Tidy your desk. 

12. Put on comfortable clothes. 

13. Take a digital detox. 

14. Treat yourself to your favorite snack. 

15. Drink water. 

A senior at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, IN studying Theatre, Film, and English. An avid lover of indie films, thrift stores, and color coding. Trying to do it all, sometimes succeeding.