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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

This semester has been unlike any other; along with doing classes, homework, and spending time outside of school, we have additionally had to worry about staying safe and healthy. We are so close to expercining  an extra long break, yet we need to finish strong in order to fully enjoy this winter (:

1. Take Time Off Your Phone –

I know for me my phone has become super addictive, especially during down time. However It is important to set time for yourself without your phone to just relax in the present moment. Some examples of self care: take a mindful break, read a book or a magazine, or do a puzzle. 

person looking at instagram outside
Photo by Georgia de Lotz from Unsplash

2. Self Care –

You will not be successful in these last few weeks of the semester if you don’t take care of yourself. For example, set a time to relax and do a facemask. It will be nice to take the focus off of your school work for a little bit while focusing all of your attention on yourself.

3. Go For a Walk Outside –

The weather recently has been beautiful; take time out of your day to go for a walk and get some fresh air if you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. If you are up for the challenge, learn a new self care strategy such as: meditation or online yoga. Both meditation and yoga allow us to slow down and to focus on our breath, a resourceful tool in reducing stress. 

Woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring
Photo by Jared Rice from Unsplash

4. Plan Out Your Days –

Make a list every morning of all the things you want to get done within that day. For instance, besides setting aside time for productivity, include time to make your bed or to eat meals throughout the day; the more you check off the more accomplished you will feel!

pink flatlay workspace
Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production from Unsplash

5. Make Sure You Are Eating –

Persoanlly, when I feel stressed or overwhelmed I either overeat or forget to eat. However, eating is essential to our well being because it gives you the energy and nutrients you need to have a successful and accomplished day. 

I hope these tips help you finish the rest of the semester to the best of your abilities.  The smallest little things can sometimes make the biggest difference!


Isabel Haglund

Sacred Heart '24

Isabel Haglund is a junior at Sacred Heart University majoring in Media Arts: Journalism. She is from a small town right outside of Boston, MA. This is her third year writing for Her Campus and she loves it
Sacred Heart student from Mass, sharing my thoughts and interests with others on Her Campus :)