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Self-Care Bucket List for 2023

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

After every New Year’s, people talk about resolutions and all the things they want to do or how they wish to improve going forward. Rather than creating a minute-by-minute plan for my days (which I will never stick to), this year my goal is to focus on setting realistic expectations to take care of myself. Like resolutions, I have created a self-care bucket list to ensure 2023 is the year I prioritize myself… I invite you to do the same!

1. Create a morning routine!

Morning routines can be difficult to maintain, especially if you are not a morning person. The start of your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, so try to be consistent! Whether it’s waking up at 6 am or 12 pm, listen to your body and create a schedule that works for you. 

2. Pick up a hobby.

The new year is the perfect time to learn a new hobby or skill. Go out of your comfort zone and attempt a hobby that seemed “out of reach” before. Self-care goes beyond physical care and routine—it also includes doing things enjoyable to you! Use this hobby to unwind and reward yourself by making your interests a priority. This year my hobby is learning a new language… what will yours be?

3. Take care of your body!

It is cliché to say that self-care starts with care for your physical health (beyond face masks), but it’s true! The more you take care of your body, the more energy you will have to accomplish your daily goals. Listen to what your body needs and what drains you. Create schedules for sleeping, healthy eating, water consumption, and exercise that help you feel your best! 

4. Find your comfort routine.

It is unrealistic to expect life and self-care to be an upward linear path. Stress and life will inevitably intervene, regardless of how structured your schedule is. When life happens, it is important to know what comforts you so you can properly support yourself. Self-care is not always an active measure, but is sometimes a passive action like binging your favorite show. Acknowledging your discomfort and bringing yourself back to a neutral or positive space can make all the difference. Your comfort routine should collaborate with all your favorite (healthy) coping mechanisms that allow you to relax and prioritize your well-being.

5. Set your goals high.

Having realistic and achievable goals is great most of the time; however, it can also be entertaining to shoot for the stars and dream absurdly. Setting high outlandish goals this year will give you something huge to work towards. The point of the absurdity in the goal is to reinforce that anything is possible and to not limit yourself. While the goal may not be achieved by the end of this year, that motivation may help you achieve other great and unexpected things. You never know where life will take you by the end of this year.

6. Do one thing you have always wanted to do!

Do you remember that thing you’ve been wanting to do for years but for some reason have never gotten around to? Whether it is a road trip, back massage, or skydiving, make this the year that you check off one thing from your lifetime bucket list! Achieving something from that running list will feel great and allow you to focus on achieving the next item on that list.

Macayla Preeper

Queen's U '24

Queen's University | Fourth Year, Sociology Major Her Campus Co-Chair Executive