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How to find the balance of three as a university student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

I just want to preface this entire article with the fact that I am in no way an expert or close to perfecting my suggestions but this is how I try to find the balance of my big three as a university student.

We all know life as a student can sometimes emulate juggling eighteen different things to avoid drowning. Thus far, in my university career, I can not confidently tell you that it gets easier. As time goes on, you find ways to cope with the fast-paced environment that is university. At any given point, you have 7 assignment dues within three days, your friends bombarding with plans to go out, a living space that does not clean itself, and all of this is usually occurring at a substantial distance from your hometown where your “support system” exists. At the end of the day, the university is not what it is all romanticized out to be. University is such a big learning curve. No, really- you spend months learning to keep up and then you blink four years have gone by and you are graduating. The bottom line is university moves fast but that does not always mean that you have to. It is important that you are taking care of yourself along the way while filling, what I call, your three pillars: School, Social, and most importantly, you! Here are some tips on how I balance my big three.

1. School

This pillar has definitely evolved as we have spent the better part of three years completing our degrees virtually. With that being said, staring at a screen for numerous hours a week makes finding your balance of three that much more important.

Set a weekly plan for yourself

One of the best and worst parts of university is our lovely syllabus that every professor gives out on the first week of class. It is the worst because that document is the first slap in the face of dread for the semester. But, the best because it gives you the ability to plan! Now I can not sit here and give you advice on how to plan your semester and due dates out because, to be frank, I can not even do it myself. But what I can do is advise you to set out some time a the beginning of the semester, as well as weekly, to plan. Every week, it is always good to look at what you have coming up to aid in filling your other two pillars, socialization and personal wellness.

GO to class!!

I know most do not want to but, you should go to class or at least try. Again, this is another thing I am in no position to instruct you to do as I do not always go myself. But in my time at university I have learned the hard, pulling all-nighter way that going to class can only help you.

Make Friends in your classes

Making friends in your classes is always a good idea. You literally can not go wrong. Sit beside someone new in your next lecture or grab someone’s phone number for that next assignment. It is not huge but it always helps.

2. Social

Go out!

Now, when I say go out, I am in no way saying you need to go on a three-day bender every weekend. However, set aside time to have the socialization you desire. Whether that’s a brunch date with your friends, window shopping, or having a classic night out. This is vital in finding your balance as it helps to unplug.

Experience campus while you can

I know when I was applying to university all I wanted to do was leave my hometown. I was itching for a new place but when I got to school I explored for a bit then neglected my desire to focus on school. I ended up having the realization that I am only here for four years and I should make the most of it. So, my advice to you would be: walk around, try all the coffee shops, meet all the small business owners, find out what the city’s known for, and most importantly just straight up explore.


Joining a club is an amazing way to make friends that have the same interests as you. This always plays into scheduling time for socialization where your club meeting could be one of your outings for the week.

3. YOU!

Find your Drink

I am not about to say what you would think from that subtitle. What I mean by finding your drink is finding your CAFFEINATED drink. Pick your poison because honestly, you will need it at times. As I said, the “grind” in university is so romanticized for something as not enjoyable as it really is. Honestly, caffeine has been my saving grace balanced with lots of water!!

Take time for yourself

I know I just finished saying- go out, explore, join clubs, and I still very much so mean those things but I also strongly urge you to carve time for yourself. Whether that is reading, journalling, making a home-cooked meal, or just simply enjoying a hot beverage. It is so so so important, especially with online school, to unplug from your devices and give yourself a break.

Move your body

Finally, I can not express enough how important it is to move your body. This looks different for everyone and you should not be comparing how you chose to move to the way others do. Another amazing thing about university is all the different opportunities it presents to move your body. From working out at the campus gym to signing up for Zumba classes to joining the running club, there are so many options for everyone.

Now, as I said at the beginning, along with most, I am in no position to be preaching. However, these are some things I try to do to keep myself on track. The grind in university is so romanticized that it is so easy to forget to take care of yourself.

Julia Robertson

Queen's U '24

Julia is a third-year Economics student at Queen's University.