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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

We are constantly busy. Being consumed by school, work, and stress, it is often difficult to find time to devote to yourself. Making the decision to commit to a healthy lifestyle is often harder than it sounds. Sometimes it’s just easier to get Chinese takeout for dinner or there simply isn’t enough time to go to the gym. But, by creating a plan for both exercise and diet, being healthy won’t be so hard. Once you start, you’ll never look back.

Doing Exercises That You Enjoy

Finding the time to go to the gym can be super hard, especially if you don’t have a plan once you get there. By deciding exactly what you are going to do before arriving you’ll save a lot of time and also be able to focus more on your workout.

If you’re lacking motivation, the best advice I can give you is to do workouts you enjoy. Don’t force yourself to run or lift weights. Do what you feel like doing but remember it’s important to push yourself and sometimes that means going out of your comfort zone.

Listening to your body and mind is extremely important when working out. If your body is too tired or you simply cannot find the time to work out, take the day off. Your body and mind need time to re-energize and focus, which is okay.

Staying in a Caloric Deficit

If you are looking to lose weight, the best and easiest diet to follow is to maintain a caloric deficit. A caloric deficit is simply consuming less calories in a day than you normally would and then continuing that consistently. By consuming less calories your body will naturally need less and you will lose weight.

Often times take out places and restaurants have added calories from fats and sugars to make food taste better. You may realize it is easier to make your own foods when tracking calories. This way you know exactly what you are eating.

As you lose weight, the amount of calories you need will continue to decrease. You should continue to lower the amount of calories you are consuming until you are at your desired weight. At this point, you maintain the calorie consumption you are at. In a caloric deficit it is okay to have a treat once in a while, as long as you continue to consume less calories than what you typically would.

Drinking Lots of Water

Water is an essential part of everyday life, yet so many people struggle to drink enough of it. It is easy to forget to drink water with busy schedules, but by leaving water in front of you all day, you will naturally drink more. Staying hydrated will become the simplest part of your day.

Often when our bodies feel hungry, we are really just thirsty. Not drinking enough water can lead to eating more food our bodies do not need. Drinking water will also help your body digest food easier by flushing out unnecessary toxins. Drinking plenty of water has many more benefits such as better skin, feeling energized, and even preventing headaches. Basically, drinking water will help you feel more like you!

These three simple tips will be a huge help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Remember to stay confident and do what makes you feel best. Exercise, eat well, and drink water. It’s that easy!

Gwen Ruetz is a freshman at Purdue University studying Communications. She aspires to work in the fashion industry or sports media field. Gwen is a first year writer on Her Campus and hopes to obtain a more active role in the future. She loves shopping and all things fashion, spending time with family and friends, traveling, and being active!