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Susan Yin/Unsplash

Midterm Madness: A Crash-Course Survival Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Fall is among us, and it’s beautiful. The air is crisp, the leaves are changing colors, the boots are coming out and Birkenstock’s go back in the closet. As the leaves fall let’s hope your grades don’t. Fall break is only a week away –that is, there is a week of midterms between you and your bed. For most freshmen, you are probably freaking out. Well I’ve got good news –it’s not as bad as you think! Here’s a crash-course in surviving midterms week!

1.     Remember –this is NOT a final exam

“Midterms week” is kind of a big title, and tends to freak a lot of people out. Don’t be so scared about taking an exam that says “midterm” on it. Most of your midterms are going to be a just-another-exam type. That being said, if you bomb your midterm, you have plenty of time from the middle of the semester to the final exam to make up those points and bring up your grade! Some of your midterms may be a project or presentation, which is great! For these you really don’t have to memorize anything, plus you can work at your own pace and prepare early. If you’re really lucky, your professor will give you a free pass meaning they disregard midterms all together.


2.     One word: De-stress.

As UP students, we can all agree that we all have one thing in common: we are hard working, driven, and a little too studious. During midterms week there are more social sacrifices made than human sacrifices in the first testament in the bible. The library is packed 24/7, the study rooms are booked weeks in advanced, and every single classroom is filled with group study sessions. Take some time –maybe a half hour or an hour –and de-stress yourself! (A little shout-out to the Beauchamp Center) Go to the gym! You’ll feel great after, plus it’s an awesome stress reliever. If you don’t have time to go to the gym, then just go for a quick walk and get some fresh air. Also, studying with friends is a great way to have a fun (if that’s even possible) study session!

3.     Midterm Motivation

Are you like me, and have a hard time focusing or getting motivated to study for your exams? Find something that motivates you! With fall break around the corner, make some plans to look forward to! For me, I’m really excited to see my dog and that’s basically what’s getting me through the week. Also, maybe have some more immediate rewards. I find chocolate very rewarding. Hit up Fred Meyers and stock up on some tasty trophies for getting in good study hours.

Happy midterms week, and may the odds be every in your favor!