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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Going to the commons is like going to Disneyland -unlimited amounts of happiness. The commons can also be dangerous place for us ‘foodies’. Don’t get me wrong, I love my grilled cheese and gourmet pizza, but my body does not. This past week I’ve begun my journey of finding healthy food options. I’ve spent some time navigating the commons and making a few of my own DIY creations.

1. The Mickey Mouse

The “Mickey Mouse”, named for obvious reasons, was my very recent creation. This breakfast plate is quick and easy. First, I paid for my toast and cup of fruit. I went for a wheat English breakfast muffin and popped it into the toaster. While I let it toast, I made my way to the fruit bar. For this DIY parfait, it’s best to stick to one or two types of fruit (I chose pineapple). Right next to the fruit bar is an assortment of toppings. I topped my pineapple with yogurt, dark chocolate chips, and granola. Then I made my way to grab my toasted English breakfast muffin and topped it with delicious berry jam. Voila, you have a DIY fruit parfait with a side of toast and jam. 

2. Fruit and Toast

This DIY creation is almost exactly like the Mickey Mouse but faster. Once again, I began by buying my toast and cup of fruit. I chose a piece of wheat toast and popped it into the toaster. Meanwhile, I made my way to the fruit bar and chose my fruits. There are an assortment of fruit options -strawberries, peaches, pineapple, melon, cantelope, etc. You can choose all or some! Then I made my way back to my toasted wheat toast and topped it with that delicious berry jam. 

3. PB&J Bagel

The PB&J Bagel is a great option if you’re in a rush or not too hungry. Once again, it’s simple and quick. I paid for my bagel and went over to the toaster area. I chose a wheat bagel and popped it into the toaster, I grabbed a side of peanut butter and berry jam while waiting. I took my toasted bagel and topped it with the peanut butter and jam and took it to go wrapped in a napkin. It was super filling and delicious even though I wasn’t too hungry.

4. Protein Style

I love this dinner option because it’s saturated in protein. First, I went to the grill and ordered a chicken breast and an egg. Then I went to the register to pay for those two and also a cup of rice. Be warned, the chicken breast may take a while depending on how busy the grill is. Then I sat with some friends and waited for my food, and then waited some more. Finally, I grabbed my long-awaited grilled chicken and egg and made my way to the soup bar. I served myself a cup of rice and enjoyed my dinner full of protein.


5. Vegetable Pasta

For dinner I ordered the average pasta bowl. I made my way to the pasta bar and ordered my dish without sauce. I asked for sautéed vegetables and parmasean cheese. I made my way to the end of the salad bar and added some olive oil for taste. This is a healthy easy dish to order, as long as you know your way around the commons!


Healthy eating on campus can be difficult with the plethora of food at your fingertips. Hopefully these easy, healthy DIY dishes help you find the motivation to keep a healthy lifestyle in college. Bon Apetite Collegiates!