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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

The 2017-2018 school year brings a new executive team for the UP Her Campus chapter.. But let us first commemorate our previous fearless leader, Victoria Targett! She graduated with a BBA in Marketing in the spring of 2018 from UP’s own Pamplin School of Business! 

Why did you originally want to join Her Campus?

I looked up clubs before I came to UP (because I am very passionate about campus involvement) and I found out about Her Campus. I love creative writing so I figured it would be an awesome outlet and my involvement has also developed my writing hobby. 

What is your favorite part about Her Campus?

There is something for everyone! It is a really great community where you can get involved in either writing, social media or event planning. And it can also be an awesome outlet. 

What are you look forward to the most with regards to being the Editor in Chief last year?

I was really looking forward to working with a team of people to further expand our UP chapter (and we did!!)

Any exciting ideas for our new chapter this year?

I  would love to see HerCampus Portland partner with other organizations on campus and host joint events where we can really spread the word about how great our Chapter is!

What are some words of advice you have for new Her Campus members?

Contribute what you are interested in! You get out of Her Campus what you put into it.

If you could sum up your experience with Her Campus in one word, what would it be?




Student at the University of Portland #GoPilots CA born and raised, OR transplant Lover of coffee, music, sarcasm and dogs