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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

As we’re coming back to college, or for some starting college, the first couple weeks of school are a whirl wind of classes and socializing. The start of my senior year has been nonstop and while I enjoy what I’m apart of and working towards, something I always need to remind myself of is to take time for myself. 

Our personal “me time” is easy to push off and delay when we’re asked to go have dinner with friends, work on homework, or are going to miscellaneous events on and off campus. But I’m writing this to encourage everyone to challenge themselves to take time out of their weeks to treat themselves. Do something that makes you happy and helps you to relieve stress and helps to take care of yourself. Don’t let time pass you by and have it end up being weeks or months before you look back and realize you haven’t had time to reflect and have some quiet time alone.

If you’re unsure what this “me time” can look like, here a few suggestions to get the ball rolling in your head and to help you think about what could help you to distress and be happier during your year at school!

  • Take a walk around campus in the mornings or evenings (the quiet of campus can be very soothing)
  • Find somewhere to sit and reflect about your week and your experiences
  • Treat yourself to a meal/treat on or off campus
  • Watch your favorite movie or TV show
  • Go to the gym
  • Write in a journal
  • Read a book (maybe one not required for class)
  • Have a mini spa night!

These are all just suggestions, but either doing one of these or finding something else that helps you to relax and distress can go a long way in helping you to succeed throughout the semester. Even when life gets a little crazy, remember to keep set aside time to treat yourself!

Stephanie Rowan

Portland '19

My name is Stephanie and I am a senior history major and psychology minor at the University of Portland. I am an RA in one of the women's halls on campus and am a Writing Assistant for the Writing Center. I enjoy exploring the outdoors and eating sweets :)