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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

Is college life hitting you hard? Do you feel like you have an endless load of work waiting for you to do? Here are some tips that will bring a smile to your face, and hopefully make your day a whole lot better.


Eat your favorite breakfast food in the morning

Get yourself excited and ready for the day with an amazing breakfast. Eat something that you love! This will not only make you happy, but it will also be good for your health and give you energy.


Take a second to enjoy the view

Whether you are walking back to your dorm from class or just walking from one place to another, just take a breather and look at the amazing view that is only a turn of a head away. Looking at the sparkling ocean may help you relieve some of your stress, and help you relax a little.


Pack your favorite snack

Why not bring your favorite candy, fruit, or snack in your backpack? When you are in the library working on an essay and you are stuck and getting nowhere, just take out your snack and let your brain rest a little. Use that few minutes of eating to just relax.


Do something you like

It can be as short as five minutes, or as long as thirty minutes. You can even go longer than that if you want, but do something that you enjoy. It can be watching the newest episodes of Riverdale, going for a short run, reading a good book, or even just talking to your friends. You have to treat yourself sometimes. This will keep you motivated, help you focus, and not be overwhelmed by your daily tasks.
