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Why You Need To Implement TRX Into Your Workouts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with TRX (total body resistance exercise) or who have seen the suspensions trainers and don’t quite know how they work, here’s the breakdown. The TRX is not only one of the greatest inventions for a full body, kick-butt workout, but it requires no equipment – only an open mind. What makes the TRX so unique is that it is not aimed towards a specific fitness level or type of exerciser.

Let’s get to the real reasons why I love the TRX. I use it every single day for my own workouts and with clients that I’m personal training with. No matter what goals you have, TRX can get you there. The TRX challenges your body in more ways than one. It’s useful for warming up, HIIT training, circuit training, cardio boost, flexibility, balance, coordination and even stretching. The TRX engages your entire core for any exercise you are performing. The TRX positions your body to be at an angle where your core strength is constantly put to the test. Not to worry though, if you think your core needs some love, the TRX is for you!

This low impact, fun, and diverse workout will spice up your traditional cardio or strength training regimen. It is also beneficial if you are looking for a quick and effective training method on a short time schedule. You can easily make a 20-minute circuit that will leave you breathing heavy and dripping sweat. Even holding a plank on the TRX is a lot more challenging than a traditional plank because of the balance and suspension aspect of it. If it’s something you are not quite used to, that’s a good thing. The TRX is unlike any other traditional workout equipment that you have tried.

There are endless exercises that you can try like a TRX squat, side lunge, bicep curl, row, plank, pike, tricep extension, ab rollout and much more. If it seems overwhelming, start with a couple simple movements like a TRX row or squat. Once you get more advanced, you can try the harder movements that require more stability. The more comfortable you get with the TRX, the more you can play around with the angle and balance aspect of it. The TRX is also perfect for people who are novice exercisers or who are prone to injuries because it has a low impact and has the adjustable fitness level aspect to it.

If you are nervous to try, see if your gym offers a TRX class, and if so, go for it! The TRX provides hundreds of exercises that can strengthen your muscles, help with stability and a build a strong core.

Now get out there and try it out!

Hi! I'm Hailey. I am a senior at the Unviersity of Oregon studying Advertising. I am a workout nut and a Certified Personal Trainer at our campus REC center. In my free time you can find me outside, either hiking, biking or exercising. I am also completley obsessed with the fashion industry and will hopefully be going into Fashion Merchandising and Marketing in the near future. 
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