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8 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Exercise

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

1. Make a schedule

Whether or not you are a planner, creating a daily schedule will help remind you to get outside, go the gym, or do something active. Before your week starts, write out what days and times you want to exercise. Even if you are trying to balance school, work, and extra activities, setting time aside to exercise is very important to your overall health.


2. Set short and long-term goals

Setting goals is absolutely KEY to keeping you motivated. It also boosts your motivation for working out because you have a clear objective in mind. Set short-term goals for every workout or every week to accomplish something small, like going to weekly workout classes or lifting a little bit heavier than normal. Be sure to also make long-term goals that might take more than just a few weeks to accomplish. An example of a long-term goal would be performing one pull up or being able to run a 5k.


3. Bring a buddy!

If exercising is intimidating, bring a friend along to ease you into things. Having another person by your side during an awesome sweat sesh will ensure a fun time. It can also make room for some much-needed bonding time together while staying active.


4. Set yourself up for success

Every time you step into a gym or go to a workout class, that first step is already rewarding. Be proud of yourself for being accountable and committing to a workout for that day. If it feels too easy, don’t be afraid to amp it up a bit, but if it is way too hard, it’s okay to go at a slower pace.


5. Try something new

If you are an anti-gym sort of person, or if you dislike a particular kind of exercise, don’t let that deter you from fitness. To spice up a tedious workout routine, try a new class or exercise that you look forward to. When you enjoy your workout, you are probably more likely to do something active again the next day.


6. Remember: it is only one hour of your day

Setting aside one hour of your day to exercise can seem daunting, but that time to yourself is a great de-stressor. Whether you cut out some of your TV time or wake up earlier on some days, you can easily fit it in.. Before you know it, you will get accustomed to that one hour of hard work and it won’t seem so long.  

7. Explore the endless health benefits

Exercising results in many benefits for your body, like increasing your metabolism, leveling out stress, lowering blood pressure, releasing endorphins (which puts you in a great mood), and reducing your risk for certain diseases. Exercising is not just about one type of workout or one way to do things– it’s about finding what is right for you. Doing something active will help keep you healthy and strong.  

8.  Remind yourself that it’s never too late to start!

If exercise is something new for you or you have been out of the game for awhile, that’s okay. Starting to exercise again may seem overwhelming, but once you get started, you may just get hooked. And if you really need some guidance, find a personal trainer that can help you with your goals and hold you accountable.  


Hi! I'm Hailey. I am a senior at the Unviersity of Oregon studying Advertising. I am a workout nut and a Certified Personal Trainer at our campus REC center. In my free time you can find me outside, either hiking, biking or exercising. I am also completley obsessed with the fashion industry and will hopefully be going into Fashion Merchandising and Marketing in the near future. 
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