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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Spring Break is on the horizon, and it feels like everyone and their dog is getting ready for their planned vacations. Whether it’s planning the destination, shopping for the appropriate clothign or slimming down, here are some tips for a stress-proof Spring Break!


When it comes to tanning, everyone strives to get that beautiful bronze look, but many end up looking like an overly cooked carrot. To avoid any bad experiences, remember that before a vacation, getting a good base tan is key to avoid intense sunburns on vacation not overdoing it in the beds. A base tan provides a SPF of four to six, meaning you can spend four to six times more time in the sun before getting burned. Spending your days in the hotel room applying aloe is not a vacation! Bronzers and lotions are great additions to prepping for break. The moisture that feeds your skin from the lotion is essential for your skin under harsh lighting and when combined with bronzer, the two make for great results. Use bronzer with caution though by applying lotion before bronzer, slowing the absorption on your hands and around the nail cuticle. Baby wipes are also a wise investment to prevent any unwanted blotches. As for the unwanted raccoon eyes from goggles, be sure to move them around every couple of minutes for a line free tan.


For more on looking your best this season, express your inner fashionista at the shops. A cute sundress, beach hat and bathing suit are perfect for a day at the beach. Or if you’re heading for the slopes, leggings, crochet earmuffs and tall boots are very in this season and are perfect for relaxing in the lodge. The real secret for Spring Break shopping is simply finding clothing that show off your assets. If you don’t feel comfortable in it or you don’t love it right away, the best rule of thumb is to ask yourself, “Will I wear this?” If not, it’s back to the rack with it.


You are what you eat. And how you take care of yourself shows too. The first tip to working out and dieting in the most effective way is to know your limits and set a goal. There’s no need to take spin classes like crazy or starve to get that ideal body. Set up a plan that works with your schedule and watch the pounds fall off. Increasing fruits and vegetables and cutting out deserts in your diet are reasonable steps to take that won’t shock your body. When at the gym, try going to a class with friends for motivation and make it a part of your weekly routine.  Small steps in moderation will surely help you achieve your goal in a doable way.


The final tip for the best spring break experience is to have fun! If you’re planning a getaway, stress can greatly impact your experience. If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, step back and take a breath to clear your mind. Remembering to smile makes worlds of a difference. And don’t forget that camera to catch all those smiling moments!