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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

As senior year has begun, I’ve had to take time to acknowledge how I am and what it means to take care of myself. It has been a messy journey of finally reaching out for help about anxiety and allowing my friends to care and love me where I am. As I sat, thinking about who I want to be and who I am right now, I wrote this.



The Way She Carries by Savanna Waddle


i stand,

to make them notice me.

to recognize my space

words demanded to be heard,

yet inside

my mind swirls,

i shut down 

what she’s trying to say

about what we need,

she whispers “we’re not okay”

and my screams grow

as i yell at the world

and what it’s done to me,

but the cries i throw at the wind,

flow into me

i’ve internalized

the hatred of what has happened

and i blame my body

for the way she carries

it all

Savanna Waddle

OK State '20

Savanna is a senior at Oklahoma State University majoring in psychology with plans to pursue a Master's degree in social work. Savanna is passionate about activism, friendship, books, and art in all forms. When she isn't writing articles for Her Campus she is reading, making traveling plans, or studying way too much of Freud's theories.
Former President of Her Campus at Oklahoma State University.  Laney is a senior Graphic Design major.  Laney is passionate about philanthropy, activism, education, and art.  When she isn't writing articles for Her Campus she is painting, playing video games, or volunteering.