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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Can you believe that finals week at Ohio University is here? It feels like we just started the semester yesterday. Finals can be stressful with all the exams, projects, presentations and papers. During this time, many do not take the time to relax and do some self-care therapy. It is vital to make sure your body is getting the right amount of nutrients it needs along with getting plenty of sleep. The likelihood of this happening during finals is slim to none, but after reading this hopefully you will be inspired to take the time to listen to what your body needs. Here are a few things you can do to relieve your stress during finals week!  

1. Face Mask and Bubble Bath- I cannot express how soothing and relaxing this is. Whenever I do these two things, my mood instantly changes and I feel so amazing afterwards. I recommend using Lush products for the face mask or bubble bath.

2. If you have a final that day, take the time to make a good breakfast. Not only are you getting the right nutrients, but studies have shown eating breakfast has such a great impact on your body.

3. Take a break and go for a long walk, hike or even a bike ride.

4. Hit the gym and release those endorphins.

5. Visit a local coffee shop and grab a good cup of joe.

6. Not a fan of a classic workout with cardio and weights? Try yoga.

Of course, there are hundreds of other things you can do in preparation for finals week, but I hope this article sparked some ideas!