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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ODU chapter.

I have been health-conscious for as long as I can remember. Looking back on my childhood and teen years, there has never been a moment where I have felt 100 percent well in my body. Either physically or mentally, there has always been a constant battle in my head on what is best for me to consume. Health culture always seemed to be pushed down my throat, whether it was from social media, a diet that a family member was on, or someone commenting about my weight. I’m now in my early 20s and have realized that I wasted a lot of time trying to fit in with other people’s notions of fitness and health rather than paying attention to my body and figuring out well-rounded strategies that work for me.

Realizing that I am more than just a number, I decided to start my wellness journey in May of 2024. To me, a wellness journey is about becoming the best version of yourself starting from the inside out. I started this journey to not only make me feel more confident, but also to focus on my internal health. In today’s media, there are so many gimmicks and fast-paced solutions that no one wants to focus on the root of the issue. I began to understand prioritizing my health is important, so here are four items that have helped me on my wellness journey:

Raspberry leaf tea

Raspberry leaf tea is an herbal tea strained from the leaves of a raspberry plant. I suffer from bad menstrual cramps, and since I started drinking raspberry leaf tea, I have seen improvements. Days leading up to my cycle I drink this tea consistently (three times a day). My periods have been lighter, and I do not get bad cramps throughout my period. Raspberry leaf tea is full of antioxidants, which help with inflammation, leading my stomach to be less bloated after drinking the tea. Another benefit of drinking raspberry leaf tea that I have noticed is the lack of fatigue that I get. When I drink the tea in the morning it gives me a boost of energy, making me feel so refreshed. 

Green tea

I started implementing drinking green tea in my journey around the same time as I started drinking raspberry leaf tea. This tea has helped me in numerous ways. The two main takeaways that I enjoy the most are the healthier choice of caffeine I consume in the morning and the clarity that it gives my mind throughout the day. Green tea is not naturally caffeine-free, and this leaves me inclined to drink it even more because it comes from a natural source. During finals week, I was constantly drinking Celsius to stay focused on my work. If I had known how much more focused I was after drinking green tea, I would’ve started drinking it ASAP.


Since I wanted to mainly focus on working on my body from the inside out, I started actively using a women’s probiotic/prebiotic and that’s how I found out about this supplement. VH Essentials Probiotics with Prebiotics & Cranberry is a great dietary supplement for women. This supplement improves vaginal health by supporting natural defenses for urinary tract health, microbial balance for feminine health, and by including vitamin C and magnesium. Vitamin C and magnesium both help with gut health and I have seen a positive change in my wellness journey by taking this supplement.

sea moss smoothie

The ingredients in a smoothie are what can determine whether people think it is healthy or not. One supplement that I started putting in my smoothies on my wellness journey is sea moss. Specifically, sea moss powder; it has helped with my gut health. After meals, sometimes I used to be so bloated that I would feel sick. But when I started putting sea moss in my smoothies, I realized that my digestive health was improving. Sea moss is also known to help with hair, skin, and immune health as well. Additionally, sea moss comes in different forms and can be consumed in various ways, such as raw or mixed in other foods.

Since implementing these four specific items in my wellness journey, I have seen great improvements in my body, especially on the inside. When I feel good on the inside, I feel 1,000 percent better about myself on the outside. I have shown great improvement and I can’t wait to see what these four items have waiting in store for me in the future.

Briyah Fuller is currently a junior in college majoring in English with a concentration in Technical Writing along with a minor in Community Health. She is from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Two personal interests of hers are reading and fitness.