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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Self-care is an incredibly important part of our routine that students can often get neglect in the everyday stress of university life. What we forget to realise is that all our hard work isn’t worth a thing if you aren’t taking care of yourself. This article will take you through 10 habits that are really easy to bring into your lifestyle, without too much effort, that will boost your productivity and wellbeing by 100%.

1. Take a day out of your week and have something planned that you stick to

Whether it’s coffee with a friend, phoning your mum, going to the gym, painting your nails etc. Having a planned activity that you can rely on occurring every week without fail will really help you stay centred no matter what else is going on.


2. If you are feeling down, put a bit of extra effort into make yourself feel pretty, for YOU 

It could be wearing your favourite bra or putting a bit more time into your makeup. Whatever makes you feel good on the outside will make you feel better on the inside.


3. Treat yourself at least once a month, properly!

It’s a cliché but grab some chocolate and some friends and take some time out to watch a movie and relax. You definitely deserve it.


4. Have an early night every so often

Don’t stay up until 3am chatting or watching Netflix. Switch your phone off and take a break from the world. You will wake up feeling refreshed and brand new.


5. Take a bit longer cooking a few times each week

Find a recipe, put some music on and spend an hour or two cooking yourself a really nice meal. You’ll feel like you’ve achieved something and you get some tasty food out of it!


6. Call a friend and talk through everything whenever everything gets on top of you

Good things AND bad things. Listen to them too. Just taking the time out to connect with another person can help you see things objectively and feel less overwhelmed.


7. Every night, make a list of things you absolutely have to do the next day AND a thing you want to do

This will keep you productive whilst also keeping you motivated. If you just get bogged down in what you have to do then you will feel apathetic about that day, whereas if you include at least one thing you want to do, the whole day will look more positive!


8. Set a day each week to tidy up your room and desk, and throw out some of the things you don’t need anymore

A good spring clean makes everything a little brighter and makes sure that it doesn’t become a massive job you dread doing. Plus, if you have things you don’t need but can donate, there are plenty of charity shops around!


9. Every day make sure you get out to get some fresh air

Do not stay in and watch Netflix in bed all day, as tempting as it may be!


10. Write down one good thing that happens each day

Put it in a jar, so that when things feel bad you can take out a note or two to read which will remind you that life can be great, even if it doesn’t feel that way in that moment.  


Edited by Angelica Beier


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Emily Talbut


I'm a third year English student at University of Nottingham and when I'm not working or writing, I'm probably watching a Disney movie or listening to one of their soundtracks! I'm a Campus Correspondent for HC Nottingham and generally write about food, travel, and the food I've experienced on my travels!