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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MMM chapter.


They don’t call it the city that never sleeps for no reason—New York City living is incredibly fast paced and hectic. From trying to beat the lights on my walk to class, to long days at school and rehearsals, and the small bit of a social life I have, I always find myself with a jam-packed day.  I’ve been an avid self-care advocate for a while now, but since moving to the city for college, I’ve found it to be especially important to practice self-care. This type of lifestyle certainly has all the right ingredients to lead to major burnout, but the good news is that it is totally preventable! May I present to you some of my favorite self-care tips to make sure you stay at the top of your game while jumping from place to place.


1. Take A Moment

It is easy for the day to pass you by faster than a New York minute when dashing from place to place. I have found that it is incredibly helpful to devote a specific time in my day to take a breath and move a bit slower. For me, this is mornings. It does help that I am naturally a morning person, but I get up about an hour earlier than I really need to so I can move through my morning at a leisurely pace. Taking time to center myself at the very start of the day is amazing. Although the rest of my day is spent running around, at least I can start off by taking my time. Mornings are clearly not everyone’s jam, so find a time that works for you and give yourself a moment to remove yourself from the hectic world around you.


2. Vitamins

I cannot emphasize this one enough. It seems that everyone around me is always sick. I love New York, don’t get me wrong, but it is filthy. Any place that draws in this many people also harbors all sorts of germs. Do yourself a favor and take your vitamins every morning. New Yorkers don’t have time to get sick!


3. Journaling

While I wouldn’t say that this is a strictly big city self care item, I find that continuing my journaling here has been my saving grace. It is very difficult to unwind here and writing out my thoughts is the only way for me to truly slow down. It is also a great way to check in with myself and my feelings, which often get neglected in the hustle and bustle of life.


4. Get Out of the City

Urban living is fantastic in so many ways, but it can be a bit draining on the soul. Try and budget a little escape from the city every once in awhile to recollect. Westchester is just a Metro North ride away, and is filled with trees and grass and other things that New Yorkers do not see on the regular. If you don’t have the time to truly get out of the city, there are many places in Manhattan that feel like a different world.  Of course, Central Park is the prime example. I feel myself relax the second I set foot in the park. It’s kind of magical. I live in New York because I am not particularly a nature person, but one certainly needs a dose of fresh air every so often. Honorable mentions also include the Revenson Fountain at Lincoln Center and Greenacre Park. There are so many quiet spots in the city, so go seek them out!


5. Pack Accordingly

Nothing is worse than having a growling stomach and simply not having time to stop for a snack. By packing snacks and some water every morning, you can completely avoid the crankiness that results from having gone your whole day without grabbing a bite to eat. Hanger is real; don’t let yourself fall victim.


6. Walk

New York is a pedestrian city, but I still frequently find myself in the company of people that do not want to walk. Days are long and walking gets tiring, but try to use your feet when you can. It is a wonderful way to clear your head, catch up with a friend, and get your steps in for the day too. There is always something going on in the city and I love being able to walk through and immerse myself in this beautiful place. After all, the MTA is unpredictable and there is nothing like a delayed train to put a damper on your day.


7. Don’t Compare

When living in a city where everyone is doing something cool, it can be really easy to fall under the guise of thinking that everyone is doing better than you. It is important to remind yourself that who you are and what you are doing is enough. I write positive affirmations on sticky notes and leave them around for myself as an added reminder. As they say, “comparison is the thief of joy”, and you don’t need that kind of negative energy in your life.


8. Say No

When living in a big city, you are practically bombarded with opportunities at all times. While it can be tempting to say yes to everything, learning to rein it in a bit is crucial. At least for me, after a few weeks of squeezing everything into my schedule, I end up utterly exhausted and not wanting to do anything. While you should totally take advantage of everything the city has to offer, make sure to check in with yourself before automatically saying yes. Question your motives for every situation you agree to. I find that this is a great way to weed out things that take up time, but are not feeding my soul. By only doing the things that truly make you happy (within reason of course), it is much easier to manage a fast paced life.


9. Unplug

As our world becomes more and more technological, I fear that we are beginning to loose connection as humans. I always find it rather odd that on my morning walk to school, almost everyone I pass by has their headphones in. If listening to some fun tunes on your morning walk is a highlight of your day, who am I to knock it? But, if you are feeling a little over absorbed by technology, try to put your phone in your bag while you walk. There is always so much going on and I always feel much more a part of my world when I take the time to truly engage in it.


10. Sleep

While this one is seemingly obvious, does anyone really get their required eight hours every night? The consequences of lost sleep are things that city residents really don’t have time to deal with. Just one night of less than ideal sleep quadruples your chances of catching a cold. I always find myself getting sick after I abandon my normal schedule. Sleep is a busy person’s holy grail. I am a firm believer that the only way to keep your cool when faced with a stressful situation is to have a regular sleep schedule. Besides, sleep is a beautiful thing. Why cheat yourself out of this wonderful restoration?


In my opinion, living in a big city is the very greatest. But as with all things in life, you will not truly reap the benefits that the city has to offer if you are not taking care of yourself first. Make your self care a vital part of your routine, and go out and take the city by storm!

Campus Correspondent. English Literature major, Digital Journalism minor and NYC based dancer/singer.
Campus Correspondent at HC MMM. Communications student in NYC.  Instagram: @sara.capucilli