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Wellness > Health

Why You Should Add WERQ to Your Workout

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Let’s face it: we all dread working out at one time or another (okay, most of the time). There’s nothing exciting about climbing onto the treadmill or the elliptical for thirty minutes. Sometimes, we need to spice up our workouts. That’s where WERQ comes in! WERQ is a super fun, cardio-driven dance workout with choreographed dances to current popular songs. Think Zumba, but the music is purely made up of the latest bops. Since some of my friends introduced me to the class two years ago, I have never turned back. WERQ livens up my workouts and makes me want to exercise! Below are some of the reasons why WERQ should definitely become part of your exercise routine.

It makes working out and getting exercise fun!

Whenever I go to a WERQ class, I barely realize I’m exercising. It’s so easy to get swept up in the music and the dancing that it’s hard to believe you are actually in a workout class! WERQ is almost like going to a nightclub, but what makes it different is that you will always feel good about it; no beer-sticky floors, no dropping money on ubers and no drunk mistakes.

It boosts your self-esteem and confidence

I didn’t realize just how low my self-esteem was before I started taking WERQ classes. I felt like I had absolutely no ability to dance whatsoever, and that even if I did, I didn’t enjoy it. However, WERQ completely changed my perspective. Not only did I learn how to dance, I learned how to embrace my clumsiness and own it! Now, dancing makes me feel empowered and comfortable in my own skin. It has taught me to love my body in a way I never knew I could! No matter what level of expertise you are, come out to a WERQ class and experience the confidence boost yourself.

It’s an insanely intense workout!

While WERQ might sound like just fun and games at first, it is completely the opposite. You will be shocked by the number of calories you burn with just one WERQout! This class will get you sweating in no time. Not only does it get your sweat on, but it works so many parts of your body, incorporating a variety of movements and strengthening exercises to every dance. One move in particular that WERQ is famous for is the SQUAT, so get ready to do a lot of them. No, I mean it. A LOT of them.

It’s a great break from school, work and studying

WERQ is the perfect way to get away from all of your responsibilities and clear your head in a productive way. Best of all, you can feel good about procrastinating! Whenever I feel stuck with my homework and other assignments, WERQ is the perfect thing to make me feel better.

So, if this article doesn’t convince you that you need WERQ in your life, then I don’t know what will! Start off by exploring some of the classes offered here at Notre Dame. It’s the perfect way to become a WERQaholic!


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Morgan is a senior at the University of Notre Dame studying Film and Business Economics. She came all the way from Los Angeles to South Bend, and loves watching movies, eating good food, and playing tennis. While she misses the sun sometimes, Notre Dame has been a second home and has helped Morgan grow and meet amazing new people. She can't wait to start writing fun, entertainment-focused articles for Her Campus!