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How to Relax When You Have 1,274,403 Things Going On

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

So here’s the truth – stress in college is completely normal. In fact, you should always expect to be under some amount of manageable stress all the time! Between classes, projects, tests, extracurriculars, and sports, among many others, sometimes it just becomes a little too hard to keep yourself in check. Do not fret my friends, because in this article I give you just a couple of easy things you can do to relax during those times when you feel like everything is just spinning out of control.


  1. Take a bath (or a long shower).

  2. Go for a walk/run/fitness class.

  3. Call your parents!

  4. Try out a new recipe.

  5. Go grab a coffee with friends.

  6. Have a cup of tea.

  7. Take a (short) nap.

  8. Meditate for 10 minutes.

  9. Do some simple stretches.

  10. Retail (or window shopping) therapy.

  11. Clean your room.

  12. Squeeze a stress ball.

  13. Lay out in the sun for 15 minutes.

  14. Watch a movie or a TV show.

  15. Listen to your favorite song.


These are just a few things that could help you, but you can always try something else! Whatever works best for you, always remember to take a moment everyday to relax and destress. No matter how many things you have to do, you won’t lose any time by taking a minute and recentering yourself; everything else can wait!

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Maria I Lisac


business student from Panama City, Panama. food & dog lover travel enthusiast