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It’s not just Anxiety, there’s a whole Variety

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NMSU chapter.

Mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s way of thinking or their ability to function around other people on a day to day basis. Contrary to popular believe anxiety and depression are not the only mental health conditions in existence. While they are among the most common mental health conditions, there are so many more of mental health conditions that many people identify with. Therefore, it is important to shed light on the other mental disorders that affect millions worldwide. Such as but not limited to….


Bipolar disorder: Better known  as a  manic-depressive illness, bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry to carry out daily tasks.

Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder: Also known as OCD, this disorder causes repetitive and unwanted thoughts. These thoughts often cause excessive and compulsive behaviour to complete certain actions.  A person with OCD cannot control these obsessions, it is a very common disorder worldwide.

Schizophrenia:Is a chronic  disorder that causes people to lose touch with reality. This disorder is known to cause hallucinations and delusions. Schizophrenia impacts a person’s way of life because it distorts their way of thinking and their behaviour towards others. Usually affect people between the ages 16 and 30, it can affect kids but it’s not very common.

Borderline Personality Disorder: Is a mental disorder that cause unstable moods and behaviors. This disorders can cause impulsive behavior and can create unstable relationships with others. BPD cause a person to experience anger, anxiety,  and depression that can last hours or a couple of days.

Posttraumatic stress disorder: PTSD is a mental disorder that a person develops due to past traumatic events. This disorder is especially common with people from the military. However, it can also happen to people who have experienced accidents and or  natural disasters. People who suffer from this disorder have recurrent flashbacks of the event making it a challenge to function in everyday life.


It’s important to acknowledge that there a lot of  mental illnesses that affect many people in today’s society . These are only few of the many other disorders out there, but it’s important that we educate ourselves  on these illnesses and on the many more in existence.  According to National Alliance on Mental Illness it’s important that we recognize other mental illness to better understand the people around us and understand ourselves as well.