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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New School chapter.

Let’s cut to the chase: You’re bored. You have nowhere to go but Zoom University, and have tried every snack in the kitchen. By now, even baking bores you, and reading isn’t as appealing as it was two weeks ago because now schoolwork piles up. You have come to the last resort: It’s time to clean.

Yep, you heard me! I can’t believe it, but I’ve turned into my mother in just a matter of weeks. (Are you happy, Mom? It only took an international pandemic to get me to clean my room! Without any nagging on your part!) I am so utterly bored that I’m cleaning for fun. 


First up was my closet. I managed to escape New York with a good amount of clothes—but I do find myself rotating the same five outfits every week. Usually when I’m home during the school year, I live out of my suitcase. Things rarely get hung up and I just throw my freshly washed socks back into the bag. But, things are different this time.

When I got home about three weeks ago, I emptied the contents of my overstuffed suitcase into my closet and told myself that I’d organize it in the morning. That morning came three weeks later! I took everything out of my closet and organized the heck out of my jeans and t-shirts! I even took out the clothes that have been in there since I graduated high school two years ago. When things get back to normal, I’ll sell or donate them. 


Every Spring, my aforementioned mother scrubs the heck out of my windowsills and blinds. But, since I am bored out of my mind and know that my mom loves having an extra pair of hands put to good use, I completed the task myself. *pats self on back*

They look beautiful, but I’m a bit biased. It’s amazing what a clean environment does for your mind. Boy do I sound like my mother. I like to sit at my window when I’m working on assignments, so it’s nice to have a clean space where I can be productive.


I started collecting magazines my freshman year of high school. Five years into this hobby of mine, I’ve accumulated over 300 issues. I knew that there were some in the stacks that were less-special than others, so I went through them all and threw out the ones that I didn’t find a need for keeping. This chore resulted in an ENTIRE clear shelf on my bookcase. A WHOLE SHELF FOR MORE BOOKS AND MAGAZINES! 


So, if the COVID-19 pandemic has turned you into a hypochondriac, clean the spaces you spend the most time in because it’ll give you peace of mind, and who doesn’t love a sparkling surface?! To my mother: If I ever make my way back to New York City, I can assure you my room will be cleaner than I found it. 

new york city architecture
Pexels / Lukas Kloeppel

Claudia Langella is a Literary Studies major at Lang and is the Chapter Leader of HCTNS. When she's not writing, it's likely you'll find her in the kitchen or taking long walks in the city.
If you're interested HCTNS, please e-mail us at hc.newschool@hercampus.com