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5 Habits That’ll Help You Become “That Girl”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

90% of the time when I open Tik Tok, I see videos of all these girls with their productive morning routines and daily routines. They call it being “that girl”. The girl who makes her bed every morning and does her journaling and drinks her greens. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself. These girls have their lives together and implemented so many amazing healthy habits in their life that are so inspiring to watch. After watching a ton of these “that girl” Tik Toks for my research, I’ve come up with 5 healthy habits you can implement in your life to start becoming “that girl”. 

  1. Start going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. This may seem like an obvious one but it really is true that waking up earlier rather than later can have a huge impact on your productivity for the day. You’re going to get so much more done through-out the day if you wake up at 7am rather than 11am. It doesn’t have to be a drastic change either. Start by going to bed 15 minutes earlier than you normally would and set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier than you would normally. Each day, add 15 or 30 minutes to this and you’ll eventually be waking up early on your own. Your body is going to be more willing to do it and less against it, if you start off slow and do it in increments. You have to stay consistent with it too because that’s how it’s going to become a habit. 
  2. Make a smoothie. If you’ve seen any of these Tik Toks before, you’ve probably seen them make a delicious looking smoothie or two before. Smoothies have so many health benefits. It’s easy to hide the greens that are so good for you but that you don’t want to eat in a smoothie because it’s all blended together. And honestly, it’s just fun! Setting aside a time to intentionally make something not only delicious but also beneficial to your body is a great habit to get into. 
  3. Listen to Ted Talks and podcasts. It’s true what they say about positive affirmations and what goes in your brain is what’s going to come out. Putting good, and positive thoughts into your brain is going to help you change your mindset from the inside out. Listening to a Ted Talk about confidence or self esteem or something along those lines on your way to class or listening to a positive podcast such or music that’ll put you in a good mood can help change your mindset. 
  4. Stretch when you wake up. It’s not a secret that stretching in the morning can have so many health benefits but it can also have a huge benefit on your mental health. When you’re stretching in the morning, think of what you have to do that day, not in an overwhelming way, but in a plan of action kind of way. Think of positive affirmations while you’re sitting on the floor stretching. Doing this will not only help you with your mental health but it will also help you set the tone for the whole day. 
  5. Sunday Night Reset. One of the biggest changes I made in my life was setting aside Sundays to clean and reset for the week and also plan out my week ahead. I keep my space picked up during the week but Sundays are designated to going in and deep cleaning and restocking everything. Wash your sheets, clean your bathroom, wipe down your mirrors, vacuum, plan out your week in your planner, etc. Setting yourself up for a successful week will help you get into the mindset of having a good week and get you excited for the week ahead. 

This obviously isn’t a complete list of all the healthy habits you can implement in your life but it’s a good starting point. Most of becoming “that girl” is about being intentional in what you do and taking time to slow down and do things for yourself as well. We are constantly running around and doing school work and working that we forget to take a step back and intentionally setting time to slow down and do something for ourselves. Whether it’s spending 5 extra minutes to make your coffee a little more delicious or making yourself a delicious smoothie, these healthy habits will change your mindset and help you become the best version of yourself!

Hey! I'm Madi! I love writing about relationships, fashion and pretty much anything!