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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Trigger Warning: this article talks about depression and mental health 

NF, or Nathan Feuerstein, is a modern-day rapper known for his real music. He’s from Gladwin, Michigan. He opposes the reputation and stereotypes that come with rap music in today’s society and writes about mental health and his struggles. He essentially transforms his own story and journal entries into rhyming lyrics, which helps his fans relate to him. 

To put it simply, the reason why I listen to his music is because of his lyrics. An article by Holly Riordian lists some of his best lyrics for those struggling with their mental health. Among them, some of my favorites are:

  1. “I want to know what it’s like to be happy. I want to know what it’s like to wake up in the morning and feel like it’s real when I’m laughing. I want to know what it’s like to sit down with my friends and feel like they might understand me.”
  2.  “There’s so much that goes on in my head that people will never see.”
  3. “Ask me how I’m doing, I’ll say okay. But ain’t that what we all say?”
  4. “I know the person in the mirror’s not a perfect one. I look at him everyday and think he’s not enough.” 
  5. “I’m scared to live but I’m scared to die.”
  6. “My mind is a home I’m trapped in and it’s lonely inside this mansion.”
  7. “I’d rather be alone, I’m not good in crowds.”
  8. “I’ve never been married, but I’ve felt divorced.”
  9. “You spend your life in a dream that you can’t escape. You live your life in a coma, you’re never awake.”

These are just some of his lyrics. Reading the words without hearing the music in the background, there’s a sad and depressing connotation that seems to accompany his lyrics. He’s been criticized by the media before about being too negative. In fact, he’s come out and said that he has, “Been this way so long it feels like something’s off when I’m not depressed.” In the media, his personality seems to have become his sadness. I think that his music is valuable  because it helps listeners feel their emotions in the moment. Rather than being triggering, his music allows people to not feel alone and find encouragement to face the emotions that they may be feeling. To me, NF is extremely brave  to openly talk about his mental health in front of the entire world. Especially when there’s so much stigma surrounding mental health, his music inspires other people to tell their stories, as well. I think artists like him have positively contributed to the lessening of mental health stigma. As a writer, I relate to him. I hope to accomplish what he’s been able to in terms of getting people comfortable talking about mental health. 

NF recently released his HOPE album, and in it, he turns his sad emotions into happy ones. In his song, Hope, he battles his old, depressed self with his new, hopeful one. My favorite song from the album is Mama, where he forgives his mom. His mom struggled with addiction and he wrote about her addiction in his song, How Could You Leave Us. He shared his disappointment and anger toward her in that song, and Mama acknowledges these emotions while also hoping the best for her in heaven now that she’s passed. He tells her that he forgives her and wishes her the best. When I went on his tour, it had so many people in tears. Without saying bad times will cease, his album has a different, more positive attitude to the bad circumstances in his life. I think it’s a great way for people to see a way out of their mental health struggles because it allows people to heal and aids them in recovery.

I’m excited to see what NF comes up with next. I think he’s very underrated, but I have hope that he will continue to gain recognition as the stigma surrounding mental health struggles in our world fades away. He’s doing what other people may be too scared to do. He’s starting a mental health movement that I plan to continue, and I hope that many others join in. 

NF’s slogan of real music exists because it helps real people. It shows that mental illness is real and just as important as physical health.

Sydney Savage is a graduate of Michigan State University with a BA in psychology and a BA English (with a creative writing concentration). Part of her novel called "I Love You More Than Me" is published at Red Cedar Review, and an excerpt of her other novel, “Just Let Me Go” is published at Outrageous Fortune magazine. She will be getting her Masters in Social Work at the University of Michigan and volunteering for CAPS. She plans to work with adolescents and eating disorder populations. Along with this, she'll be continuing her passion for novel writing and pursuing her dream of publication. She hopes to bring more mental health and body image themes into the book publishing market. She is a current member of Michigan Romance Writers. You can read some of her works on her personal blog and website: https://sydsavage13.wixsite.com/sydwriter13 Her twitter is @realsydsavage13 and her writing insta is @sydwriter13