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The Movie Moxie and Its Correlation to Modern Day Feminism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

There are many sources that we can analyze when we wish to look at the historical effects of feminism. With everything from voting rights to wage gaps, there has always been advocacy for an eternity. However, it is much more difficult to analyze the effects of modern day feminism, since there is far less analysis of current events and how our lives have shifted to do the work of this group of individuals. However, Moxie is one of few movies that has taken on the challenge of portraying what modern day feminism looks like.

Overview of the plot

Throughout the course of the movie we see how the young daughter, Vivian, of prominent activist Lisa navigates her way throughout high school. She has a strong reputation for being a rule follower, as well as keeping her head down. That’s until the new girl, Lucy, shows up with little care for the opinions of others. Lucy’s strong will is what drives Vivian to look through her mom’s belongings from when she was at the height of her activism and begin to fight back against the blatant patriarchy within her own school. Throughout the course of the movie, a broad set of topics are covered, such as dress code, the acceptance of transgender women, and sexual assault. 

The normalization of sexism throughout modern society and Moxie

Major current feminism movements are reflected throughout the course of the movie, such as the #MeToo movement and the fight for inclusion of transgender women. Moxie also helps show what juvenile and sexist actions we have grown to accept in the everyday world. Women are expected to keep their heads down, stay silent, and hope that the men won’t target them. The girls in this movie are assaulted and don’t speak up for a year, tell each other to let go of what the boys are doing to them, and fall into the habit of watching other women get sexualized and harrassed. 

While there are a few scenes that some may view as “overdramatized,” the problems discussed throughout the movie are ones that correlate to the life of every woman. Throughout the course of high school I was dress coded, sexualized, and told to “keep my voice down” when arguing against sexist behavior. Public schools have created a place for sexism to grow, and Moxie shows us that from a new perspective.

Modern day activism

A major feminist movement that has gained substantial recognition recently is the pro-choice movement. This group of people believe that it is a woman’s right to choose what is done to her body, including deciding to have a medical abortion. Pro-choice activism has been around for decades, with a major win in 1973 with the Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade resulting in nationally legalized rights to abortion. However, when a draft opinion from the Supreme Court was released showing that Roe v. Wade would soon be overturned, the people fought back. 

Those involved in the pro-choice movement have been fighting for so long, but unfortunately things are starting to slip backwards. This is a constant theme throughout the course of the movie Moxie, shown by the relationship between Vivian and her mother. They are both left to fight the same fight, and it’s a strong bonding moment for the pair. While her mother did everything that she could at the time, her child is still left to fight against the same oppressive systems that she was left to defend herself against. 

Another strong and prominent movement within feminism is the #MeToo movement. The purpose of this movement is to give women who have been victims of sexual assault a safe space to talk about their experiences and get help. Furthermore, it fights for stronger punishment in the legal system for those who commit these heinous acts. Throughout Moxie, the men within the school consistently sexualize the women within their school through the use of rankings and lists. Beyond that, we learn about an instance of domestic violence and sexual assault that one of the boys at the school was responsible for. Through the use of media such as Moxie, survivors are provided with a relatable and accessible example of what can be done when you speak out and garner support.

All in all…

Moxie attempts to tackle many serious issues that correlate to modern day feminism in less than two hours. There are a multitude of topics discussed in a short period of time, and I believe an expansion on these topics would provide viewers with a strong understanding of current issues. This movie is a foundation in which to build more knowledge upon, and a movie that can show you that you aren’t alone. 

I would strongly recommend this movie to anyone, regardless of your stance on feminism and feminist movements. Moxie provides a personal insight on feminism and is educational for all.

Ella McKanna is a staff writer for Her Campus MSU. Currently, she is a sophomore studying Social Relations and Policy on a pre-law track. The major themes that she focuses on within her articles are laws and regulations regarding women, current political platforms, as well as a little bit of everyday life