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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

As February has turned into March, it is finally time to start taking midterms and face the second half of the semester. For many of us— myself included— this is the hardest time of the year, because it is when everything seems to be really overwhelming. In order to cope with the crazy things still left for us this semester, here are a few things you can do to relax!

Spa Day!

Everyone has a different idea of what they want out of a spa day. Whether you’re on your own, with your family, or with some roommates, take some time to throw yourself a spa day. Make your own face masks, spend an hour making your own makeup, or even learn how to make some cute nail designs (even if they chip off in a few days). Give yourself the self-care you needed when you were staying up all night cramming.

Get Organized

When thinking of relaxation, getting organized is typically not something people think of— but it really does help. If you take the time to write out all of your upcoming due dates and clear out the random junk you’ve managed to hoard over the last few months, it’ll be like clearing your soul. As a graduating senior, I can tell you that usually my organization in this second half of the semester is so bad it rivals being as… upheld as my New Year’s resolutions. Professors and mothers always stress about keeping everything neat and clean, so right after midterms is the perfect time to do it and give yourself a break these next few weeks.

Go Back to Early Pandemic Days and Cook Something Crazy

Art is very hard, and if I am being completely honest with all of you, I am very bad at it, so I cook instead. I reflect on those early pandemic days and pick a random country to learn five dishes from. Each time I finish, I color it in on the world map so I don’t pick something from there again. No matter how ugly the food may look, if it smells good you know it will taste good. Now if you burn water maybe don’t risk it for a biscuit and just stick with normal art, because starting a house fire by accident is probably more stressful than classes are.

Online Shop 

Now is the time for you to listen to the little voice in the very back of your head that says you should spend three hours buying a bunch of stuff from Target. Retail therapy has never hurt anything except your wallet, so buy some craft supplies or some random office supplies that you think will help you focus more during the upcoming weeks, or will help you release steam when you are doing anything and everything to avoid that term paper you have due.

 There is a ton of stuff you can do to relax after midterms, even though you can’t really go anywhere. It’s time to have a little bit of fun relaxing and doing the stuff that you love before the stress of upcoming tests and projects looms over you again. For those graduating this semester, maybe this will cure that senioritis— or keep it going. Either way, make sure to stay safe and have fun!

I am an MSU senior studying Linguistics and Media/Information. I am minoring in TESOL and Korean in hopes of going abroad to teach and visit my friends that all live internationally.
MSU Contributor Account: for chapter members to share their articles under the chapter name instead of their own.