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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

From highschool going into college, I have always kept a journal on me. Journaling was a way for me to self reflect on all of the life lessons I have learned,  keeping myself in check with my emotions, and developing certain character traits that I wanted to see in myself. Junior year of high school, I learned about Shadow work. This is the process of self reflection where you explore the parts of yourself you do not like or are uncomfortable with. It is a self-reflection and growth practice to express your true self, while healing through traumas.

Using shadow work prompts has elevated my personal beliefs about myself, and has made me aware of the roots of my negative thoughts. Since shadow work has helped me to grow so much I am going to share a few prompts down below. I truly do hope that these prompts allow you to build a deeper connection with yourself.

  1. What does it feel like to have your emotions belittled or downplayed? 
  2. How can you begin to give other people more space and acceptance to be themselves around you?
  3. If you could say one thing to the person who’s hurt you the most right now, what would it be and why?
  4. Consider yourself at your worst – at a point where all of your most negative and disruptive traits have come to the surface. Capture that version of you in your mind. Then write a letter of love, understanding and compassion to that version of you. 
  5. What’s the one thing you know you need to do but keep avoiding?
  6. When was the last time you witnessed distinctly self-destructive behavior, either in yourself or in someone else?
  7. What do you currently envy in someone else’s life and why?
  8. What does it feel like to be completely discouraged by someone’s words?
  9. In what ways are you privileged? What do you take for granted?
  10. What is the biggest promise you made to yourself that you have broken? How does that make you feel?
  11. What do you think is your worst trait? Why is it “bad”? What positive aspects does this trait bring with it?
  12. What are some of my strengths? Weaknesses?
  13. What is a mistake I have made recently and how can I learn from it?
Alli is a second year student at Michigan State University. She majoring in human biology, with a minor in women's and gender studies. She enjoys reading, journaling, drawing, and drinking boba!