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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

an arrow to the heart, how do I survive? 

you covered up my stuck heart on your arm sleeve

where you left it to pulsate one last beat 

the butterflies I held within all seemed to decay, 

but the one you owned seemed to stay 

I’ve been knocked down on fate’s board game 

now you’re passing the bolden red line 

you’ve entered dangerous territory 

do you dare? will you try?

you’ve got every version of me under the light 

hypnotized by the slightest touch of your skin

naked to every color through the human eye 

will I survive? 

did you enjoy me helpless? 

did you enjoy the injury you’ve caused me?

while you’ve caused me stunning destruction 

how do you feel about me now? 

all these questions now surround me 

determining my fate, I faintly dial the numbers

in hopes of making sense of it all 

this injury could possibly be deadly

as I lay in my puddle of bloody gold 

my nerves soak up the strike 

and my heart tried putting up a fight 

to attempt to save my life 

but I’m stuck on hold with the lover’s hotline 

and my heartbeat slows then speeds

maybe there’s some hope for me.

Julius Patto attends Michigan State University, double-majoring in Professional and Public Writing and User Experience (UX/UI) Architecture within MSU's College of Arts. He strives to showcase his creativity and inspire others in the world, while also working towards prioritizing mental health and representation for immigrants and marginalized communities. Outside of his studies, he enjoys writing poetry and fiction stories, reading, being adventurous, traveling, and skateboarding.