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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

After Thanksgiving break, it can be a challenge to return to campus to finish up classes. While at home, we seem to forget all of the work that is piling up: papers, projects and of course, finals.

Here are five good habits to have as the semester comes to a close.


1. Stay on top of your work

This point in the semester is extremely stressful. It is easy to fall behind because it is easier to just put our work off and nap, watch Netflix or hang out with friends. If we can stay on top of all of the studying and assignments for our classes, it will lead to a lot less stress in the end.


2. Take care of yourself

Amidst all of the work and studying we have to complete, it is important to remember to take care of yourself. Getting at least eight hours of sleep, having a nutritionally correct diet and giving yourself proper breaks between classes, studying, assignments and work. We would run ourselves into the ground if we didn’t practice the proper self care during the end of the semester.


3. Prioritize

Something we all deal with is prioritizing and staying efficient. When you get done with a lecture, it may be very tempting to go back to your dorm or apartment and take a nap, watch Netflix or goof around with friends. In these times, we must remember that we have to be prepared for the semester to end – this means last ditch efforts to get our grades up and studying to kick butt on finals! Prioritizing studying for a little bit before rewarding ourselves will pay off.


4. Ask questions and get help

Finals, being cumulative, are often a struggle to study for. Concepts from the beginning of the semester may be hard to remember. This is the reason our professors and TAs have office hours. Don’t be afraid to pop in and ask them about that one topic that you can’t seem to get down. If you are in an introductory class, MSU often offers tutoring and help rooms. Using the resources around you can definitely take some stress off of you!


5. Set time aside for activities you enjoy

Distract yourself from your worries by engaging in activities that ease your mind. Whether it be running, baking, going out to eat, watching an episode of your favorite show: anything that soothes you. Dedicate a small increment of time to relax, and let your mind wander elsewhere – you deserve it.

Michigan State University Class of 2020 Psychology & Neuroscience Major on the Pre-Med Track Lover of coffee, dogs and croissants Michigan Native
Content creator. Editor. Pop culture enthusiast.
Feminist | Editor | Lesbian