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5 Unique Starbucks Drink Recipes to Try Today

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

While I love small cafes, I can’t deny the convenience of Starbucks. I don’t have a car on campus, so there is no easy way for me to reach a local cafe. Also, I want to utilize my Combo-x-Change points, and I can do that at my nearest Starbucks. I love that I can customize my drinks to my preference, so here are five unique drink recipes to try today! You can either order them at Starbucks or try making them yourself at home.

  1. Strawberries and Cream: “Can I have a strawberry acai refresher made with heavy cream instead of water? Add 1-3 scoops (depending on your drink size) of vanilla bean powder and add strawberry puree.”
  2. Cookie Butter Latte: “Can I have a chai latte with light ice and oat milk? Add two pumps of brown sugar syrup and two pumps of vanilla.”
  3. Cookies and Cream Cold Brew: “Can I have a cold brew with white mocha and vanilla sweet cream cold foam with extra cookie crumbles?”
  4. Iced Hot Chocolate: “Can I have a grande vanilla cream cold brew? Add mocha and white mocha with vanilla sweet cream cold foam and top with cocoa powder.”
  5. Caramel and Vanilla Cream: “Can I have a venti iced coffee with heavy cream, 5 pumps vanilla, 3 pumps caramel, and whipped cream and caramel on top?”

Remember to always be respectful and patient with your barista! I hope you try these fun flavors soon. 

A Michigan State University student by day, an 8-hour sleeper by night Aditi would best describe herself as a "rather simple enigma." As she embarks on her college journey, Aditi cherishes the simple things in life: a cup of coffee, some pastel post-it notes, and her ever-growing succulent.