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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

On Oct. 31st, 2023, I turned 21 years old. I can now legally buy alcohol, weed, and tobacco products. But the most exciting part about turning 21 is being able to reflect on years past. When I was a kid I dreamed of becoming a “real adult”, and now I technically am. I am so grateful for the memories and experiences that I have gained throughout the years, so I have created a list of 21 lessons I have learned in 21 years. 

  1. Even in devastating moments, there are still good parts of your life. 
  2. Pretending to like what other people like is never worth it.
  3. Honesty is always the best policy… even when it gets you in trouble. 
  4. However…  a white lie once in a while isn’t the end of the world.
  5. Things that happen to you don’t define you, it’s how you react to them.
  6. You aren’t supposed to have everything figured out right now!
  7. Not all friends are forever, and that is okay.
  8. Make mistakes freely. They will always reward you with new information.
  9. Caring about what others think of you will only waste your time.
  10. Always acknowledge or say hi to people you know, you just might make their day.
  11. Never punish yourself for loving someone so much.
  12. Establishing a simple routine will improve your mental health.
  13. Take time to get to know yourself. It’s important.
  14. Your mental and physical health should always be your top priority.
  15. You do not need alcohol or drugs to have fun. 
  16. Healing your inner child is a real thing!
  17. Journaling will always help, no matter what kind of day you’ve had. 
  18. You deserve all of the good things that happen to you. 
  19. Budgeting is very important (I’m still learning).
  20. Everyone’s body is different, so it is unfair to compare yours to someone else. 
  21. Always listen to your intuition, you won’t regret it. 

There are many things that I have learned in 21 years, but throughout all my experiences these were my top 21 takeaways. I am so excited to expand this list throughout the years as I meet new people, make new memories, and learn more about myself. 

Emma George-Griffin has been a staff writer for the Michigan State University Chapter of Her Campus since fall of 2022. George-Griffin is Senior at Michigan State University Studying Journalism with a concentration in writing, reporting and editing, and a minor in Documentary Production. She plans on earning her bachelor degree from Michigan State University in the spring of 2025, and plans to earn her Masters degree from the University in the winter of 2026. When she isn't working or in class, George-Griffin enjoys spending time in nature, reading Tarot, and painting.