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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Being the messy minded person that I am, who constantly has about 500 thoughts running around at any given time, I’ve learned that lists are one of the most helpful ways to keep myself in check. A list of assignments to get done. A list of things to buy from Target. A list telling me to wake up and pray at 9, change my clothes at 9:18, and brush my teeth at 9:51 so I can make it to the gym before a 12:45 class. A list of reasons why it’s still worth it to go to the gym before said class.

What’s so great about lists is that they don’t always have to be school, work and schedule oriented. That’s just what mine happens to be centered around because otherwise I’d probably implode trying to remember all the things that pop into my head. While those types of notes do drastically help in keeping me sane, you can take them to the next level to delve even deeper into getting to know yourself (which I’m a huge advocate for). That’s why journaling is such a popular form of self care, whether you decide to incorporate it into your routine for prayer, creativity, sorting out emotions and goals, clarity, or whatever other reason there may be. Either way, it’s a great way to destress, unwind, and grow.

Here are some journaling prompts to get you started:

Things that make you tick

What are you passionate about? What gets you excited to wake up in the morning? What is something that undoubtedly sets you on fire? How can you incorporate these things into your life more?

Lollipop moments” you’ve had in your life

*Lollipop moments are times when something someone said or did fundamentally changed your life (as said by Drew Dudley in a TedTalk). How can you say thank you to people for these moments? How can you pay them forward?

Things you say you’ll do, but never get around to

Is it calling a family member or friend you haven’t talked to in a while? Getting into the gym? Volunteering somewhere? Picking up a book? Or is it larger scale goals, like visiting a new country or starting an internship? 

Who you envision yourself to be

If you could instantly turn into the best version of yourself right now, what would that entail? What positive changes can you start working towards right now?

A letter to someone

Who’s on your mind right now? What do you need to get off your chest? What do you want to say to that person? Do you need to release your anger, offer forgiveness, tell them how much you miss them and how much they mean to you? If that person is yourself, that’s completely okay, too.

Memories you never want to forget

I have a fear of bugs and public speaking, but a less tangible fear I have is forgetting memories. I hate knowing that there have already been so many things I’ve forgotten: moments with loved ones, days spent exploring new places, bites of food I swore was the best I’ve ever had, and times when I swore life was the absolute best and nothing could change my mind. Write a detailed list of moments like this that you’ve had in your life. Be as specific as you can so that when you look back on this journal entry, you’re not just reading about it, but reliving it, too. You might also want to keep adding to this entry!

How you cope

How do you deal with the struggles, challenges and pressures you’re faced with? Is it healthy? Should it be changed in any way?

Healthy habits

What are some small or big, healthy habits you think could make a big difference in your life? Is it trying out a new plant based recipe? Stretching when you wake up in the morning? Taking colder showers? Listening to a meditation podcast?


What boundaries do you have in place between yourself and others? Who does this apply to? Friends, significant others, family? How do you make sure these are respected?

The last time you really laughed

I don’t mean just a light scoff or a forced smile, but the last time when you really just could not get a hold of yourself. The type of laugh that lasts twenty minutes after the joke or situation has already passed.

These are only ten of the million journal prompts I’m encouraging you to try out, even just once! Just about any thought, any idea, any occurrence can be translated into a notebook as long as you have a pen and a few minutes of time. Over the course of one journaling session, or twenty, you might find you’ve discovered a new way to get creative and take care of your mental wellbeing.

Megan Lim

Montclair '23

Megan is currently a senior at Montclair State University, majoring in Journalism and minoring in Social Work. Not only does she aspire to be the best writer she can possibly be, but she hopes to be the best version of herself there is at all! Whether that means getting good grades, helping those around her, getting involved, working out, or letting herself binge-watch movies - she wants to do it all. Anything that has to do with self-growth, she's doing it!
Tara Byrne

Montclair '21

Tara is 22 years old and a senior at Montclair State majoring in fashion studies with a minor in business. She loves keeping up with pop culture and catching up on her Youtube subscriptions. Tara mostly writes fashion, beauty, and lifestyle pieces for Her Campus. She is the current President and Co-Editor in Chief of Her Campus Montclair. In addition, she is a Co-Campus Coorespondent for Her Campus Montclair.