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Must Have Remedies/Items to Battle that Midterm Cold

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

I hope every collegiette has had a wonderful Thanksgiving, stuffing themselves full of home cooked meals and fat turkey slices this long weekend. Hopefully no one was sick in bed, studying for midterms with piles of used tissues beside them…like myself. It seems that the effects of people coughing on me during classes have finally taken their toll and with the worst timing too. So for all those who are suffering through this sickly period with me, let’s get through it together with some of these simple methods listed below

  • Honey + Lemon tea (+ Ginger)

The honey lemon tea is a pretty popular remedy. I find that the only problem with this tea, however, is that it only temporarily relieves your symptoms. I would add a few slices of raw ginger for that extra beneficial effect. It will clear your sinuses and warm you up immediately. Make sure to add the ginger in boiling water first, and then the other ingredients. You can even add a shot of whiskey (wink face).

If you have a thermos, which is not just for old people by the way (for those of you who judge me when I pull mine out), carry some of that tea or just hot water with you, and drink it as often as you can. It will relieve your sore throat, rid phlegms, and keep you hydrated, which will improve your metabolism and strengthen your immune system.

  • Vitamin C loaded food

This one is pretty obvious. I’ve just stocked up on loads of lemons, oranges, and grapefruits; an amount that looks like it’s going to last me a month, but I plan to finish them this week. These vitamin C fruits will boost your immune system, so that your body can fight off that bad cold virus. Any leafy greens, broccoli, tomatoes, peas, bell peppers, etc. are other options. The best consumption of Vitamin C is by food, rather than tablets.

  • Wet towel

Not everyone can afford those fancy humidifiers that are sold at Canadian Tire (although you should definitely go for it if you want to invest in one), especially us university students. Since a dry environment can worsen the symptoms of the cold, hang a wet towel by your bedside or anywhere in your room to create more humidity. For more exposure to humidity try staying in your bathroom after a long, hot shower for the steam, which will help alleviate nasal congestions.

  • Portable tissues

It’s awful having to sniffle your way through an hour and a half class with only your sleeves to stop that runny nose from spilling onto your notes. Portable tissues are always a must in Montreal winter. Buy multiple packs of these tissues from local pharmacies or dollar stores, and carry them in all your jacket pockets and bags. They are super cheap with cool designs on the packs (to make you forget that these are going to be covered in snot) and convenient for all uses.

  • Sleep

Yeah, yeah it’s midterm season and sleep is definitely not on the list of your priorities, but if you are sick, unfortunately you have no choice. Get that wet towel by your bed and take a dose of that nighttime cold medicine, so your sleep doesn’t get interrupted by fits of coughing and breathing problems. It is during a good night sleep that your body revitalizes itself and fights off the cold. You’ll wake up feeling a hundred times better and will be much more productive in your studying. 

Feel better collegiettes and ace those midterms! 


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