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How to Rejuvenate Yourself from a Long Week of School and Work  

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUM chapter.

As our weeks begin to feel longer with our heavy workload from school and long shifts at work, we tend to forget about ourselves as we spend our time focusing on our assignments and shifts. Here are five tips to help you feel refreshed and prepared for the upcoming week, mentally and physically.  

1. Time manage

Plan ahead of time and prepare a well thought out idea on how you are going to complete your schoolwork in a way that won’t leave you procrastinating.  

  • Use a planner  
  • Use your electronic calendar  

2. Go outside

Allowing yourself to enjoy the outside brings clarity to your mind as you breathe the fresh air and connect with the life in nature. 

  • Go on a walk in your neighborhood or park 
  • Spend time with your dogs in your backyard  

3. Spend time with family and friends

As college students we work endlessly, we tend to forget about our important relationships with our family and friends. 

  • Enjoy a couple of hours with your friends at your favorite hangout spot. 
  • Catch up with your family over the phone or better, at home.  

4. Sleep Enough

Getting enough sleep each night will energize you to be able to complete your work thoroughly (school and work) while being able to socialize with others with no annoyance. Get that sleep! 

5. Do Something you Enjoy

By being so busy during the week, your hobbies are put aside and forgotten about. Engaging in a hobby that you love; will help you escape your temporary stresses. Try the following: 

  • Read a book in your favorite genre. 
  • Cook your favorite meal/snack. 
  • Watch your favorite show on Netflix. 

When consumed by the work at your job and university, you lose yourself as you become physically and mentally drained from your constant responsibilities. The five tips are only a drop of water from an ocean of other suggestions.  

Hello everyone, my name is Veronica, and I am a student at Loyola University Maryland. I am currently majoring in Political Science but plan to double major in Political Science and Writing and minor in Music Performance. I enjoy writing short stories and poems on my own and have been eager to join an organization that offers the opportunity of publishing literary work.