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How to Deal with Feeling Overwhelmed, Tired and Anxious

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

Stress. In some ways, it is inevitable at one point or another in college. But there are steps that I take to deal with those moments when I feel completely overwhelmed with my workload. 

1. Make a To-Do List. I make a list, written out in my planner, with all of the tasks that I need to complete. It’s crucial when I’m trying to manage my time and get past feeling overwhelmed. Nothing is more satisfying than taking my highlighter and crossing off the tasks I completed! I always feel a weight lifted off my shoulders when I am being productive and getting things done.

2. Exercise. You hear it all the time…but it’s true. Exercise is the best possible way to relieve stress. When I realize that I may not even have time to go to the gym, I make sure I do and I always leave feeling more energized and in a much better mood than before. This will help with concentration while studying as well as giving you a chance to set aside the books to get in a good sweat!

3. Take Breaks. I can only handle so much at one time, so I always stop to take breaks. Even if it is just to get up and stretch or grab a coffee, breaks are essential. The more breaks I take, the more productive I find myself because I can actually get through all my work without burning myself out.

4. Call Home. Maybe this doesn’t seem like it would help at all with stress, but calling home and talking with my parents, siblings, or cousins always helps me to relieve some of my stress. There is something comforting about talking to people from back home that resets my mind, and gives me the boost I need to keep going.

5. Try not to Procrastinate. Stress is often triggered because you feel overwhelmed with everything you’ve saved for the last minute. I try to plan ahead and get things done during the day so I’m not scrambling to study or complete assignments late into the night. Procrastination is the root cause of stress in many cases, so it will help to work ahead to avoid feeling anxious later on.

6. Get enough sleep. Even when my schedule is really busy I try to get as much sleep as I can. If you are productive during the day, most likely you can get enough sleep to avoid being on a never-ending cycle of sleep deprivation due to stress. This will allow you to avoid being too tired to focus on your work.

There isn’t one trick to completely solve stress and all of the effects it has on college students. However, there are ways to manage your schedule to leave time to accomplish all of your goals for the day!

Samantha Kadian is a sophomore at Loyola University Chicago, majoring in Communication Studies. She is from a suburb of Detroit, Michigan and loves spending time with friends and family when she is back at home.
Molly is the Loyola University Chicago CC, a PR consultant and fashion merchandiser by day, a blogger by night, and a coffee addict all the time. She's a Starbucks and Sephora VIP member, which is both a blessing and a curse, and would rather get Valentino than a Valentine. Her interior design efforts usually incorporate elk, while her wardrobe consists of black, black, and slightly darker shades of black.