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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Each year begins with a New Year’s resolution. There are people try to lose weight, people who look for love, and people who try to take up a new activity. No matter what resolution is made, everyone knows that it can be extremely hard to keep. Being a ¼ way through 2014 already, here is a check-up to make sure you are staying on task with your resolutions:

Fitness Goals:

Make sure that you have some good motivation to keep you driven. Include friends and family on your journey! Support from people you care about can really boost your determination. It is important to remember that fitness goals should be about being healthy, not being skinny. Every person’s body requires different amounts of food, exercise, and sleep. Keep this in mind when you picture your end goal. Nutrition is a huge part of fitness. In order to keep a healthy and balanced body, pick foods that are natural and provide your body with the nutrients it needs. And of course you can always reward yourself every once in a while, too! The best kind of reward system is to create a specific goal every week. After you reach the goal, reward yourself with a little bit of your food cravings. For example, if you reach your goal to run an 8-minute mile, reward yourself with a cup of ice cream!

Love-Related Goals:

This is the hardest goal to achieve. In the beginning, everyone sets out on the prowl for a special new someone in his or her life. You may want to chose this route, but if you want to find the one for you, just stop looking. It is very cliché, but it’s the best method. When you stop looking for the man or woman of your dreams, you stop trying to be someone you are not. You are more carefree with the way you act and are less likely to tense up around other men or women. Once you are able to do this, someone who likes you for the person you are will appear. It may take time, but at least you know it is real.  People who constantly try to act a certain way to find a partner may find someone faster, but it may not be a well-suited relationship. The best relationships are those that make you feel most comfortable while in the presence of the other, not those that require constant makeup touchups and holding back a strange habit.

New Activity Goals:

This kind of New Year’s Resolution has so many possibilities. Whether you are taking on an art class, writing personal letters, or conquering a new video game, it still takes a certain level of dedication. New Activity goals should be ones that you are truly interested in. If you find yourself at the ¼ mark of the year not loving what you chose as your resolution, try to remember why you chose it! Does art ease your stress? Does writing personal letters touch the hearts of your mom? Does reaching a new level in a video game make you excited? Find the reason, and use it to push you through the year. New Activity goals are best reached if a few have been set. This way you can try them all, and stop if it doesn’t fit your interests.

My name is Amannda Armanini! I am from the Bay Area and I enjoy blogging, event planning, art, and volunteering with young children. I am currently a freshman at Loyola Marymount University looking to study Communications and Journalism, and am involved in ASLMU Performance Events committee and in Delta Gamma Fraternity.