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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Laurier Brantford chapter.

2018 Meghan was a lot like 2019 Meghan. She had the same hair colour (it’s natural FYI), the same hearty laugh, and the same bangin’ bangs. One major difference between the two versions of Meghan is attitude. This time last year, I was already drowning in coursework and behind in readings for every class. I was ticked off at the world and didn’t care who knew it! I was negative and pessimistic and hated life. At my worst, I realized I had two choices. I could choose to be happy or I could choose to be sad for the rest of my life. Now, obviously I chose to be happy and that makes me a badass! I have decided to include the list of things I did to become a badass.


I stopped being afraid of being alone.

Sure, eating out at restaurants by yourself can be intimidating, but that doesn’t have to stop you! It sure as heck doesn’t stop me. I will often enjoy a meal by myself. Sometimes I’ll bring a book, but usually, I just sit and reflect on my day in silence. Another thing I do by myself? I watch movies. Not only at home, but often I venture out to a movie theater and sit by all by myself. No one to steal the popcorn or talk through the best parts. Sometimes I am my own best company.


I regularly pamper myself.

I make my favourite meals and I love to use a quality face mask. I get a workout in and drink plenty of water and do all the things that make me feel good. I indulge in things that make me happy. Like shopping (or thrifting), getting my nails done, and spending time with my friends. I feed my soul and that makes me a badass!


I stopped doubting my badass-ness!

I started applying for jobs I didn’t quite feel qualified for, I started feeling more comfortable at the gym, started wearing clothes I wanted to wear, and completely changed my overall outlook on life! I stopped doubting how great I am and fully embraced everything about myself that used to make me cringe. I feel amazing about changing my mentality and trying to be a better version of myself.


The most recent thing I did that made me a badass?

I did something that terrified me and it was liberating!  And I know this is something people say a lot, but trust me, it’s true. On February 6, 2019, I went and decided to get my daith pierced. I was alone and afraid, but I went for it because I really wanted it. Was it a spur of the moment decision? Sure! Do I regret it? Absolutely not! Sometimes the best things can come from what scares us. Sometimes all it takes is a little courage to get you to where you want to be.


Once I started to believe I was a badass, I mean truly believe in my ability to be a badass, nothing, and no one can stop me from living my truth. Do I fail? Yes. Often. Is it hard? A lot of the time. But I keep trying. And every day is another chance to be a successful badass. And a little secret? It feels really good even when it doesn’t work out exactly as I planned. I always learn something new about my tenacious self.


So, there you have it. Words of (my) wisdom.  I hope you can all start embracing your inner badass and live your best badass lives!


Meghan Cameron

Laurier Brantford '20

Meghan is a fourth-year Criminology student with a passion for writing. She enjoys tea, petting dogs, and thrift shopping. Meghan spends her days planning trips she can't yet afford and practicing her award show acceptance speech! Give her a follow on Instagram @megeghan_c for punny captions and too many selfies.