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How to De-Stress From the News

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Is the news stressing you out? Are you concerned with the state of our country? You may feel overwhelmed, but there are ways you can successfully de-stress and take a well-needed break from whatever pops up on your timeline. 


1. Stay off social media for a day. But what if you miss something important and you’re not caught up with the news? It will be okay. Take a step back from Facebook, Twitter, and Buzzfeed. Studies show that keeping constant tabs on the news can cause depression and anxiety, and if you may already struggle with mental health, you could feel worse. Use the opportunity to catch up on homework or hang out with friends. 

2. Make a cup of tea. Good news, everyone! Tea makes you feel better! A steaming cuppa will help reduce your anxiety and let you relax for a short time. Remember that tea still has caffeine, so if you’re kept up at night from stress, buy decaf. 

3. Play a game. This could be doing a word search, downloading apps like Solitaire or Candy Crush, or even breaking out a puzzle from storage. Your mind will completely focus on what you decide to do and it’s a great distraction. These can be fun, and rope your friends into joining you. You may find your new favorite hobby. 

4. Interact with a pet, or watch a video online. Pets such as cats, dogs, and bunnies can help reduce stress when you hold them, pet them, and play along. If you have a pet, take a break to show them some love. Even if you only have a pet fish, watching them swim around can be entertaining. If you don’t have a pet, there are thousands of videos online of dogs talking back, cats missing a jump, etc. You name it, there’s probably a video on YouTube. 

5.  Go for a walk. Exercise is one of the best stress relievers. If you’re not the gym type, take a walk to clear your head. Fresh air can help you feel a little more calm at the end of the day. Invite a friend along and take the long way around to stop at Dunkins, or go on a search for any hidden spots on campus. 


If you see a headline that makes you stressed, or catch a glimpse of a breaking news segment on TV, remember these tips on how to de-stress. 

Danie is a 2018 graduate of Lasell College. She served as Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Lasell for two years, and wrote all four years. Danie also worked for Her Campus as a Community Management intern for two semesters, and was a National Feature Writer for six months. Danie studied Communication with concentrations in Journalism and Public Relations. She is currently seeking opportunities in the editorial or music industry. Follow her on all platforms at @raniedoberts and check out her website, raniedoberts.com.