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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lafayette chapter.

Have you made the long trek down to Kirby Gym to workout yet this year? The start of a new school year signaled the end of Hot Girl Summer. I am dubbing this semester Fit Girl Fall. Now is a great time to establish a healthy relationship with the gym. Whether you are a freshman or upperclassman, making a habit of going to the gym might be a good addition to your routine. Here are some reasons that hitting up Kirby Gym should not be a dreaded part of your week. 

Freshman 15:

My fellow freshman,

The freshman fifteen is, unfortunately, a very real conundrum. We are cursed and blessed by the good food here at Lafayette College. If you want to enjoy the plethora of meal options, going to the gym holds off the extra pounds that late-night Lo Mein from Lower is adding to your waist. 

Looking good:

Cuffing season is quickly approaching. With so many social events happening on campus, you want to look and feel your best when you head out for the night. Being able to feel confident in every outfit you brought to school makes getting ready so much more fun. Confidence is key and a healthy gym routine will get you feeling confident.  

Mental Health:

Going to the gym not only keeps you physically in shape, but it allows you to stop stressing for an hour or so. College brings huge waves of emotions. Whether you are having the worst day of your life or the best, going to the gym might be a good idea. You can burn off any extra steam you have built up and give yourself a mental break. 

Meet new people:

Once you get into a gym routine you often end up working out around the same people. These fellow gym-goers will become familiar faces on campus and you might just become new friends.

Fun with Friends:

Going to the gym is a great way to strengthen the friendships you already have. Friends can encourage you to push yourself harder in the gym as well as make you feel more comfortable together. Having a workout buddy makes you actually go to the gym and makes the experience more fun. 


Some days feel like you just haven’t accomplished anything. Going to the gym means that you have accomplished at least one productive activity to better yourself that day. It’s an easy way to kickstart a day. 

Watch Netflix:

Watching your daily dose of Netflix while you workout allows you to watch your shows in peace. You won’t feel the guilt of needing to do more important stuff and get to enjoy Netflix.

If working out by yourself is intimidating or boring Lafayette offers multiple group exercise classes. Reserve your spot for a class and view the group workout schedule visit: https://recreation.lafayette.edu/fitness-2-2/group-fit-program/group-fitness/ 

Everyone’s gym experience, habit, and routine is unique to themselves. You can find out what works for you by going to the gym yourself. Take all your leftover Hot Girl Summer energy and use it to join in on Fit Girl Fall.