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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Life is filled with trying and difficult times, but there will always be one constant in your own life – you. Even during the most stressful, exhausting points in your life it’s necessary to remember that you are the most important part of your life and that you deserve your full attention. Not only this, but how can you help others, if you can’t help yourself? You are the star of your life and always remember that.

You can take care of yourself in a variety of ways, but there are some basic steps that you should follow. First, make sure that you are checking in with yourself at least once a day. Throughout the day you feel a lot of emotions, are involved in a lot of situations and are going a lot of different places. This can take a toll on your overall emotional health and just like you would take your temperature if you were physically ill, it’s important to stop and think about your emotional and mental health. Ask yourself how you are feeling, what emotions you are experiencing and if you are overwhelmed.

Second, make sure you’re not just evaluating those feelings. The next step is to act on your feelings and overall mental health. If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed out or exhausted, take time for yourself and replenish your health reserve. Think of yourself mental and emotional health as a glass full of water (or whatever your favorite drink is). When the glass is empty, there’s no way you can take a sip. Eventually, you’ll be parched, dry and running on empty. A glass that is full can quench your thirst and help you remain stable. Your emotional health should never be dry because that’s how you become physically ill and closed off from others.

The third step is to do the two things mentioned above consistently. Find something that works for you and allows you to take a step back from daily life and evaluate yourself. Some examples are meditation, journaling and talking to a trusted friend. Multiple things come up every day in life and it’s important that you take the time to care for yourself. Meditation allows persistent thoughts and feelings that are bothering you to float away. Journaling helps you keep track of everything you are feeling and thinking and see patterns over time. Talking to a friend is always important because they can give you a different perspective or opinion on the situation or feelings you’re having.

Most importantly though is to always remember that you are the star of your show; the show can’t go on without you. Remember to always take care of yourself, so that you can help take care of others too. Never push yourself to the side and always make sure that you are at the top of your to do list. Value yourself and your health and all other things will follow.